12.1.0 and no app market


It seems my UNA has been updated to 12.1.0 according to the dashboard. But I get error messages by email

PHP Warning:  Declaration of BxEventsTemplate::unitVars($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent = true, $sTemplateName = 'unit.html') should be compatible with BxBaseModGroupsTemplate::unitVars($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent = true, $mixedTemplate = false, $aParams = Array) in /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/modules/boonex/events/classes/BxEventsTemplate.php on line 15

so I thought it would be a good idea to check the market for updates on the apps. But sadly only a blank page appear when I open the market.

What shall I do?

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Replies (7)
    • my apps market is still broken with a white page. Nothing else than the above mentioned message is shown.

      I also tried to upload the current release of modules in the directory without any change. How can I get it back working?

      • Hi. PHP warnings should not produce blank pages. Try to enable the "display_errors" flag in PHP. This should turn on full error description instead of just a blank page.

        • Hi, yes that helped, it was an error in the german module. I was able to fix it.

          Now store loads again and I was able to install some of the updates. For other updates it gives a warning about module hash has changed and it can't be installed. What should i do here?

          • Hello trunky !

            Some solutions can be found here https://github.com/unaio/una/wiki/Upgrade

            • hello LeonidS I will try and report. I didn't change anything in the modules beside copy them down/up once...

              • Yes, it happens sometimes

                • ok, had to set it to 1.00 as the messenger complained about 72% changes (it updated from 11.0.7 to recent)

                  Seems all is up to date and running 👍 Thank you!

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