Adding footer to Splash

What is the correct way to add the site footer to the splash screen.

I tried __footer__ but it didn't replace it.

Thanks 😎👍

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Replies (5)
    • Following. This is a great question.

      • Hello @Wise !

        If you need to have the footer on the splash then it's better to insert the Splash block to the index page of your UNA and make it visible for the guests only.

        • This includes headers, hidemenus, etc... I just want to include the standard footer so terms / privacy / copyright are on splash as well.

          If this was overlooked, I'm sure its easy to implement. 😁

          • You may hide the menu part using the RAW block with the CSS code and make it visible only to the guests. Or you may copy the HTML block with the footer menu and insert it directly to the splash code. Both variants are better than to edit the PHP code for the __footer__ var's processing :-)

            • Yup, that worked perfectly.

              Anyone wanting their site footer on their splash screen, paste this at very bottom.

              <div id="bx-footer-wrapper">
                <div class="bx-def-page-width mx-auto px-3 md:px-4 lg:px-6 box-border">
                  <div id="bx-footer" class="bx-footer">
                    <div class="bx-footer-cnt mb-4">
                      <bx_injection:injection_footer_before />
                      <div id="bx-menu-bottom">
                        <bx_menu:sys_footer />
                      <bx_injection:injection_footer_after />

              It will work 😁👍

              Thanks @LeonidS for the idea.

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