amazon s3 storage , How to

created amazon aws account

added credit card for billing

created bucket

copied credentials and inserted into storage under settings ( attached image)

up[loaded images in albums but  saving in  local only

what i m doing wrong?

plz guide me


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Replies (10)
    • changed seetings to s3s4 and vesrion to s4, but not working images storing in local only


      • Amazon changed the api back in April 2020 and did not work in version 11 after that. The fix is suppose to be in version 12 with additional s3 providers if I am not mistaken. The other providers will most likely less expensive than aws.

        • Amazon changed the api back in April 2020 and did not work in version 11 after that. The fix is suppose to be in version 12 with additional s3 providers if I am not mistaken. The other provider will most likely less expensive than aws.

          Thank you i will try other options

          • I tried Wasabi, which at the time was about 1/3 the price, but the php is written with specific calls for aws and I tried making some changes and could not make it work. Version 12 should be out in the next couple weeks. It has been a long wait.

            • so at present there is no external storage options until Version 12 is out?

              • is it possible to start site storage at local first  and change later to external storage without loosing any data??

                • changed seetings to s3s4 and vesrion to s4, but not working images storing in local only


                  When you change settings for the whole site, then storage isn't changed for storages which have at least one file, to make changes for storages, you need to do the following:

                  1) rsync/copy files from local storage UNA folder to S3 and make all uploaded files public

                  2) change storages for all storage objects in sys_objects_storage table from Local to S3 

                  3) change setting to S3 (and other corresponding values) in Studio > Settings > Storage

                  • changed seetings to s3s4 and vesrion to s4, but not working images storing in local only


                    When you change settings for the whole site, then storage isn't changed for storages which have at least one file, to make changes for storages, you need to do the following:

                    1) rsync/copy files from local storage UNA folder to S3 and make all uploaded files public

                    2) change storages for all storage objects in sys_objects_storage table from Local to S3 

                    3) change setting to S3 (and other corresponding values) in Studio > Settings > Storage

                    Thank you Its working now

                    • When you say make all uploaded files "public" as in mod 777 Read/Write Public. ?? also in the Database table why would some fields not change to S3 by changing it in Studio > Settings > Storage... ? Is this because of additional installed modules??

                      • When you say make all uploaded files "public" as in mod 777 Read/Write Public. ?? 

                        No, I mean make them public is S3 storage, different S3 providers provide different interface to make bucket public.

                        also in the Database table why would some fields not change to S3 by changing it in Studio > Settings > Storage... ? Is this because of additional installed modules??

                        Because when you change storage in UNA, then UNA can't move files automatically between different types of storages, so you need to move files manually and then change manually records in the database

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