Backup export hangs on Cloud 4 una server

Hi folks. I am on the UNA Cloud4 server and I have tried to backup my site with the EXPORT button using various browsers over hours of time but it just hangs. Ideas? Thoughts? Thanks

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Replies (3)
    • Hi. Your site is very large and the PHP timeout get reached while it's being backed up. That's why you can't see the result. Anyways, the backup has been created and I can provide you with the link to it. But please contact

      • wonderful! Thank you Igor

        • I can't update !!(Can this problem file be omitted orfixed?) I am running Version: 13.0.0-A2 on Una Cloud and trying to update to UNA 13.0.0-B1.

          I get the following ERROR when I press the UPDATE button

          Can't apply upgrade because the following files were modified: modules/base/profile/classes/BxBaseModProfileUploaderPictureCrop.php, modules/base/profile/classes/BxBaseModProfileUploaderCoverCrop.php, template/bak2-uploader_button_html5.html, template/bak2-uploader_button_simple.html, template/bak-uploader_button_html5.html, template/bak2-uploader_button_record_video.html, template/bak-uploader_button_crop.html, template/bak2-uploader_button_crop.html

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