Can't convert UNA Credit to money

Hello, What is the worth of the UNA Credit?

I funded my account to buy UNA credit, i later use some of the credit to buy custom module.

The vendor is yet to find a away to withdraw the credit so that he could convert it to cash, as a result, my module is not active yet for download.

If vendors cant withdraw their credit to money, then what is the worth.

Please do vendor withdraw their credit and convert it into money.

How do I withdraw the remaining credit from the wallet into my paypal or credit card account. it seems like many vendors are not accepting it.

expecting reply from the UNA team. @UNA @UNA Operator @LeonidS thank you in advance

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Replies (5)
    • @Alex T⚜️ do you have any feedback on this? Accepting Credits as payment is useless for vendors unless there is some mechanism for us to convert the Credits to Cash.

      • HI! Sorry it took a while to respond - credits is a very new addition and we had to add it quite hastily due to limitations imposed by various banks, and it also coincided with pre-release sprint, so we couldn't attend to the issue. We will work with the vendor this week to address the cash conversion question and will update the system to allow for remaining credits withdrawal for buyers. I'll follow up here later today.

        • Hi Andrew. I am still waiting for some feedback on this Credits issue. I need to be able to cash out the credits that a member used to purchase my Apps.

          • Andrey Yasko still waiting for some sort of feedback on this.

            • Thumbs-up! This issue should definitely be resolved ASAP as this is affecting both vendors and buyers.

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