Downloading something after paying for it in the Market

Hi beautiful people,

I've got and and other things installed. Payments works great, no issues there ( ). I'm not sure what we're doing wrong, but, after paying for something successfully, I don't see an option to download it (on my site). 

So, a member on my site added a , which is an e-book zipped up. I can see it was uploaded successfully as a zip. The member set the price at $1 (on USD, for testing). When I buy the product (the zipped up e-book), the sale completes successfully via PayPal, as expected. The page redirects to nowhere significant (that's something I'll have to fix next time). But when I go back to the page the product is being sold on (and where I bought the product from), it does not show any link to download the product. On the sellers side, she shows the payments are going through perfectly fine, every time...but after the sale, there's no link to download the purchased item. 

Thanks for any suggestions about where I missed something in of the market app, I appreciate you all!

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Replies (9)
    • Hello, Witches Chat!

      Change the Process Type from "Direct" to "PDT".

      • In my profile (used to test buying) I changed the Process Type to PDT, then retested the purchase. The purchase still succeeded, but it still does not show any link to download the e-book after the purchase. 

        Let me back up a bit here to understand some configuration items.

        In my admin account on my site, which I use to buy things, in my settings in my profile, is Payment Details. Under Payment Details are 3 options: CREDITS, PAYPAL, and PAYPAL API

        I don't know what CREDITS is, but I have it checked ON.

        Under PAYPAL, that has been not checked on (it is not active). I assume I should only be using PAYPAL API settings, and that PAYPAL API should be the only thing here that should be active (checked ON), is that correct?

        So, when people on my site set up their own PAYPAL information, they should only be using PAYPAL that correct, or not correct?

        Let me start there, if I can, and then once I get that part correct, I can go a step further into the problem to understand it better.

        So, buyers and sellers using PAYPAL should only use PAYPAL API, correct or?

        • We use only one payment system -> PayPal

          • UNA Themes thank you for the information! Okay, so I have disabled CREDITS and PAYPAL API from Studio > Launcher > > . The only Provider that is now active (turned ON) is PAYPAL

            Now on my site, in my Settings for my personal account, there is a Payments tab. On that screen, I now only have active PAYPAL

            On that same screen, I have Active checked ON (it's active)

            Mode is Live

            Business is my Business account login email address.

            Process Type is set to .

            We also have Identity Token and Sandbox. Before I sort Identity Token and Sandbox out, let me ask this: Does everyone on my UNA website need a Business account, or can they simply have a Personal account, in order to sell things on my site?

            In order to get an Identity Token and a Sandbox, does everyone selling need a Business account or a Personal account on ?

            Thank you very much for helping me understand this. Once I have this working, I will write a brief tutorial for people.

            • The PayPal sandbox is a self-contained, virtual testing environment that simulates the live PayPal production environment. 

              We do not have information about the Personal Account.

              • Okay thank you!

                This means that to sell, my members must have a Business account with . Okay. Next, we have Identity Token and and Sandbox. You have said that Sandbox is a testing environment, so this can be left blank... I have a small UNA site and I want to go live right away, I will leave Sandbox blank/empty.

                Now, the entire question comes down to this....and this is what EVERYONE setting up and app need to know. It all comes down to the Identity Token. How do we get an Identity Token?

                I have a Business account. I have access to Developer pages. 

                Here are some pages that may be involved, but they do not show an Identity Token:




                I found something called BrainTree on one of those pages, and it allows to create an Access Token that starts with something like: access_token$production$.......  Is this the correct token?

                Do you have any more information on how to obtain an Identity Token?

                Thank you very much, UNA Themes 

                • PayPal -> Account Settings -> Website Payments -> Website preferences -> Update -> Identity Token:

                  • Thank you!!!

                    In summary, if you have a UNA site and you want your members to be able to sell things, you need to install and configure both the and apps. The configuration is pretty straight forward, but each seller on your website must configure their own payment credentials.

                    There are 2 different potential sellers on your website: you, on behalf of your website, and the members, where they can sell their own things (if you have allowed this in configuration).

                    If you want to sell things yourself, from your own website, like a Store or Shop feature, then you also need to configure credentials in Studio > Payments > Main seller (To sell on behalf of the site). To do this, you can set Main Seller to yourself, or to an that you create. If you sell with the name of an Organization, you need to install and configure Organizations, and then create one that represents your website.

                    In any event, you will need to configure how to receive payments from members, and likewise, members will have to configure how they will receive payments from other members. This configuration is done in your Profile > Payments

                    Here in Profile > Payments you will see the options. The only one that I know that is functional is PAYPAL. To reduce the amount of confusion you might get from your members when they try to configure payments, it might be worth considering disabling all other payment options except PAYPAL. You can toggle on and off which payment providers you want to to use on your site here: Studio > Payments > Providers. For my website, I only use PAYPAL, but maybe the others will work for you. Keep in mind that the more providers you allow to be used, the more it might confuse members that are trying to configure payment settings in their profile.

                    Lastly, to configure payment settings for PAYPAL, go to Profile > Settings > Payments and select the payment provider you will use to accept payments from members that want to buy things from you or your website. Here are the settings I use:

                    Active should be checked ON.

                    Mode should be live.

                    Business should be your PayPal Business account sigh-in email address.

                    Process Type should be PDT.

                    Identity Token you will get from this page:

                    On this PayPal website page, you need the following:

                    Auto Return should be ON.

                    Return URL should be entered and saved, and it can be found at the bottom of Profile > Settings > Payments. On my website, the URL is https://Witches.Community/m/payment/finalize_checkout/paypal/3 (as an example)

                    Payment Data Transfer should be ON. When you turn this ON, the Identity Token will show. That Identity Token needs to be entered on Profile > Settings > Payments > Identity Token

                    Encrypted Website Payments should be ON.

                    PayPal Account Optional should be OFF. (turning it ON can cause PayPal to reject the interaction)

                    Back on Profile > Settings > Payments, should be empty.

                    Now, this information works for me, but it might not be exactly what you need for your website. This is just what works for me on my site after 3 days of research. If you have more information to add to this, please comment here so that others can learn what works for you on your website.

                    Edit (the next day) For Binary downloads that a seller sells, ... sellers (and you as Admin, if you are also a seller, or your Organization), should set Type to VERSION and Version to 1.0.0 for the download (binary zip) to show after the purchase. If you don't set this to VERSION and set the Version to 1.0.0 then the download item will not show after the member has payed for it! Also, you must click Use As Main ON.

                    UNA Themes thank you for your time and patience. I'm going to take this information to my site and have a seller use these instructions to set up payments so they can sell and other members can buy. I'll check back here if there's any issues with my tests.

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