Facebook beat us..

Facebook beat us to the live stream chat and now allows viewers to buy and send Stars to the live streamers....please UNA we need live stream capabilities soon!!!. I had wanted to implement Live stream with the ability for viewers to send Points but Rocket Chat let me down and there's no alternatives. I've re-iterated that UNA needs Live streaming. Please make it a priority soon!

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Replies (6)
    • Yes, Will, indeed UNA needs live streaming. However, it is important that we provide an accessible method to do it, which makes the challenge much more tricky.

      Facebook can facilitate this using designated server farms for each component - routing workers, load balancers, video stitching... all the RTMS bits and pieces that are required for non P2P streaming. To set up something similar for a startup would bring the backend cost up into thousands even before you get the first viewer. Not feasible for most users here. We have to build around WebRTC and that means being at mercy of browser support and open-source RTMS components that we can reuse on your existing server.

      We have been working on a solution for a while now and will share it soon. 

      • Wow, very exciting news.

        • Andrew Boon ,and also consider prioritizing LMS too.

          • Andrew Boon ,and also consider prioritizing LMS too.

            Shark completing the elements required for a LMS is definitely top of the priority list for 2020.

            • very exciting news

              1,interactive content 

              2, Interactive Video

              3, Interactive Assessments

              • id think nothing less from Andrew Boon and his team they have been at it for 20 years or so from dolphin to this it takes a lot to be in this game for that long and build up a reputation that dolphin and una soon will have its a testament to be proud of and i cant wait to see what is in store for 2020.

                Happy New Year!..


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