How to add another dropdown field to location area

Hello, Please How do I add drop down field (I want to call it Local Govement) to the location area of my property module search so that people can search for my properties base on the local goverment area also.

I also want to add it to Create property so that users can select location local goverment area of the property they are listing. Please How do I go about it

@AQB Soft @Anton L @Jerome Mingo @Leonid S

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Replies (7)
    • Hello @pillarcom !

      It isn't available via Studio as the Location is the integrated item. From your description, I guess it would be better to create a separate unit for the government part.

      • "From your description, I guess it would be better to create a separate unit for the government part."

        Not clear about this and how to go about it @Leonid S

        • Let's describe your items:

          "local goverment area" and "non-local goverment area"?

          • In my country for example, we have 780 local government. And each property a local government. No property is without local government. So people should be able to input or search for property base on the local government area they prefer

            • how do you remove the location? for groups or for posts? i don't want anyone in mine to be able to post locations. For example I noticed here, under post it doesn't say "show location" when you make a post. How do I disable this?

              • if I understood correctly, you are looking for this: go to developer-fields-posts-add post and find the Location that you deactivate... the same is for Groups

                • The integration of the Location field will require the changes in the code and I guess this your local specification isn't included to the Nomination service geocoding which we use. You may add this Local Goverment as the separate field via Studio->Forms. It can be used in the search but will not relate to the Location integration.

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