How to hide GENERIC provider to all users?

Generic is set as default payment provider in /page/payment-details for some custom settings, atm only for currency setting. This may be confusing to users across all levels, even when they read the note: ''Isn't used to process payments directly. Is needed to store personal settings for usage in the other providers.''

So I wonder how to HIDE this Generic Provider to all levels except admin-level?

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Replies (3)
    • Hello @Peter !

      It is possible to remove via the adding the RAW block with the following content:

      </em></p><p><em> $(".bx_payment_form_details_wrapper .bx-form-section-wrapper").first().remove();</em></p><p><em>

      on the Studio->Pages->Payments->Payment details section, after the main block. In this case, you may manage the level's visibility too.

      • Wow @LeonidS ! Of course works like a charm, you made my day! Thank You!

        • I tried this code but it didn't work for me. I also don't have that "generic" as one of my payments provider, but my Payment Details block looks like this: see images below. image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1018&dpx=2&t=1674506665


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