How to make multiple text rows...on homepage menu


This menu bar, I want to make the text on two lines, its cutting off too much as is. How would I do that?

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Replies (6)
    • Try adding some of these CSS attributes to those classes:

      • overflow: visible;
      • white-space: normal;
      • overflow-wrap: break-word;

      Might be a combination of a couple of them to get the result you want.

      • uh...any chance you can tell me how to do that? I'm rather dumb when it comes to modding CSS....

        • Hello @sfraden !

          It is possible to do via the Custom Styles area of your template in Studio. Just add there smth like:

          .bx-menu-item {
          white-space: normal;
          • @LeonidS Added all three lines to the artificer styles. Nothing changed. I was looking thru the different apps where this is mentioned, and found it to be a confusing bit of information, as well as the most important bit missing: This is called the "homepage menu" in one area, then the items inside are called "content module" elsewhere, but nowhere does it reference the term ".bx-menu-item" How am I supposed to know what to make a style change to? I could look directly on the CSS, but without a reference as to what header belongs to what item, I would be guessing based on the header titles....

            .bx-menu-item {

            overflow: visible;

            white-space: normal;

            overflow-wrap: break-word;


            • Did some digging and figured it out. To make this work, I had to add the following to the styles:

              .truncate {
              white-space: normal;
              overflow: visible;
              • In case, when you need to look at which style is used in a certain place of UNA, you need to use the Developer tool of the browser (F12 button in Chrome), the "Inspect element" mode. See more details for example here

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