Install Jot Server

Who was able to install and run Jot Messenger? Jot Server tried to install on different platforms, the result is one, infinite " Connection....". Someone with experience, consult in the nuances of the installation of this module?

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Replies (13)
    • Hello!

      If you performed all installations steps following documentation and have no connect then problem may be in closed servers' ports. 

      Check please this post maybe you will find the answer, if not let me know via PM, I will check your server.

      • Thank you, Alexey, I read everything and my problem is a little different. Test server, no ssl, site on another server, there is https. Nodejs and job server are installed on the test server, the port is open and the scanner sees it - 5443. In the Studio, specify the address of the test server - http://ipadress:5443 Connection I see so ........

        The system on the test server is - Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS "Bionic Beaver"

        • Hello!

          If you execute command below from your command line on PC 

          telnet 5443 

          you will be able to see if your port is really available, so may be firewall is blocked it. 

          Also problem maybe in SSL certificates (may be you have set wrong path to its files in config.json file), in this case you should see security error in console of the browser when open main messenger page. 

          • If there is no ssl, the server will not work?

            • It will work without ssl also, but if you have ssl pathes should set correctly.  

              • My settings:

                /* Port on which you would like to run the server */
                        /* development mode allows to see details of request and response in real time when server is running,
                        you may leave it empty when run the server in production */


                /* If you have https servers (recommended) you need to fill 3 fields below */
                        root: '',
                        cert: '',
                        key: '',

                • Hello,

                  Your settings is ok and as we found out problem was in closed port.

                  • Guys,

                    These are my settings but it keeps connecting
















                    If you check telnet 5443, it connects so what is wrong?

                    I have ssl on my domains. Jot server url: https://mydomain:5443

                    • Hello, what's wrong is this:



                      You have to fill in the full path for both files, but you must also indicate the name of the files.


                      • But if I want to connect multiple sites?

                        I installed jot server to be used by more websites I run so how does that work? 

                        There is no documentation to setup jot server to be used by more sites

                        • Hello Harvliet Dalgety,

                          Yes, you should define certificate files in config.json and then you will be able to run the server and use it for many sites. 

                          Problems may occur if you install Jot Server on server without certificate and then try to use link from this server on https (secure) sites, in this case all requests from https sites will be blocked by your browser, because in most cases browsers don't allow to load not secure content (http) to secure sites (https).

                          Well, in your case everything should work fine for all sites, because your server on https (secure) server, you just need to define path to certificate files.

                          • Ok. Thanks

                            • Info, add domains: 

                              "domains":["","",""], only IP addresses.

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