Language key
Can someone please tell me what this should be? Thank you
- · LoneTreeLeaf
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Oddly enough "_bx_ntfs_alert_action_accepted_personal" returns null for me when searching Polygot, I do see closer to similar ones but they include the module name near the beginning.
- · Wise
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hmmmmm.... not sure how or when I ended up with this, but its showing on my notification settings. Not sure how to track it, hope someone figures it out.
@LoneTreeLeaf thanks for the look!
- · Wise
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Also, under notifications, 'New fan' means 'New Follower' right?
- · Wise
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- · Wise
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@LeonidS interestingly, I looked under the sys_notifications_settings table, searched title column, and it isn't found? So I'm confused. Trying to figure out where this even comes from.
In reply to Wise
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Yes, from my side I couldn't find such key. Perhaps you have some apps as not upgraded?