Publishing Third Party Modules

This is a request for Boonex to provide very clear instructions on how third-party vendors can package their modules for publishing in the marketplace. I have many modules built at this stage but unable to publish as I cannot make headway with the limited information provided on packaging modules. 

This is what I have gathered and attempted so far.

1) Phing must be downloaded from 

2) The phing-latest.phar file should be uploaded to UNA root folder

3)  build.xml along with "tests" folder must be copied from and pasted in UNA root folder

4) Run the following command: php phing-latest.phar

After following the steps above, I am getting the following error ..... Unable to find property file: path_to_una\

Have I missed a step? If not, where can I find this missing file?

I am hoping a Boonex staff member or some developer that has published a module already can shed some light here. 



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Replies (13)
    • Una Team go4it please, we need his modules :)

      • build.xml is made to work with development environment, so it's better to clone whole repository to be able to run phing, however copying build.xml and tests folders should work as well.

        Unable to find property file: path_to_una\ isn't required, so this isn't error but a notice.

        When you run phing without params (for example: php phing-latest.phar) then default target is run which is running phpunit tests. To package module you need to pass additional parameters as described in the documentation.

        • Thank you for your assistance Alex T

          The following worked for step 4:

          4) Run the following command: php phing-latest.phar package_module -Dvendor=modzzz -Dmodule=tutorials

          where "modzzz" is the vendor name and "tutorials" is the module being packaged

          • Don't you just hate that you have to jump through hoops to do something that was so simple with Dolphin?

            • Alex T⚜️ and Andrew Boon guys. Can we just spend a few minutes and record some videos that walk through the process of module publishing and app compiling.  

              Why have us struggle like this. 

              • Can't wait to see what you have in store for us and welcome

                • Myself as well... Excited.

                  • let us know when you have them in the market!

                    • Alex T⚜️ and Andrew Boon guys. Can we just spend a few minutes and record some videos that walk through the process of module publishing and app compiling.  

                      Why have us struggle like this. 

                      We'll try to do it in the future.

                      • Hi Jerome Mingo, Alex T⚜️ 

                        I am trying to package my first  module but I don't find specific instructions to do it.

                        Is PHING only option to do it? 

                        Could you help me posting the links to this process. 

                        Thanks in advance!

                        • 1) Phing must be downloaded from 

                          2) The phing-latest.phar file should be uploaded to UNA root folder

                          3)  build.xml along with "tests" folder must be copied from and pasted in UNA root folder

                          4) Run the following command: php phing-latest.phar package_module -Dvendor=modzzz -Dmodule=tutorials

                             (where "modzzz" is the vendor name and "tutorials" is the module being packaged)

                          After Step 4), the zip file for the module will be created in a packages folder (found in your UNA root)

                          To facilitate the above, I have a local installation of UNA using Ampps

                          • Hi Jerome Mingo 

                            Thanks a lot for making things more clear. I have been trying to create a new language module and automate the step of copying all english xml files to one place, but the UNA documentation about Phing is very ambiguous.

                            So this post helps a lot. Here are few questions I still have:

                            A) After uploading the phing-latest.phar to UNA root folder, do we have to install it on the server?

                            I am asking because the documentation says: 'phing binary must be installed' (see )

                            B) After creating the module, should the build.xml along with "tests" folder be left in the UNA root folder or deleted? Is it safe to leave them in there? Alex T⚜️ 


                            • A) As far as I recall, I did not do anything additional, except uploading the folder.

                              B) Leave those files/folders. You will need them for each time you compile the module (patch updates etc.)

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