Site commission / payments

Question for anyone who has experience in this area, does UNA calculate credits in as payment that can be commissioned?

Or, to rephrase, are credits calculated in the invoiced percentage of commission?

50.00 PayPal, 50.00 credits, commission rate 5%. Will it be $5.00?

I ask because of my terms of use for payments and commissions I list the amounts. And we are adding a credit out percentage as well, so it could be dynamic on how much we actually take.

Terms of use are often challenged in court. I need to understand this perfectly. Anyone with experience please chime in 🙏

Thank you

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Replies (11)
    • Hello @Wise !

      UNA has the "Conversion rate to withdraw credits (for site currency)" option in the credits, which allows the site's owner to take their percentage during the withdrawal.

      • @LeonidS I understand that my friend, thank you. So UNA doesn't count credits towards income that is invoiced? Only other payment providers?

        • And commission is invoiced automatically on the 1st, so commission tally ends on the last day of the month correct?

          So if a member joins last week of the month and makes some money, they will be invoiced on the 1st, and the cycle restarts? Correct?

          Payments module has no documentation at all outside how to setup a payment provider. I'm trying to understand how all this works before going live.

          • Another question dear @LeonidS , what happens if they do not pay the invoice? Does UNA auto suspend? If so, how long before it suspends? There doesn't appear to be any settings for this.

            • All payments providers including credit system payments will count for income that is invoiced. If conversion rate is set to 1 i.e $1 to 1 credit, then invoice % may be calculated as though paid with PayPal or any other fiat payment provider.

              • @Stephen-Mystic Inam thank you. My credits are set to .01 (a penny) since our site will utilize them as a tip, and a dollar a tip is quite expensive.

                I imagine it will still work the same? Am I correct?

                Thank you greatly for your time.

                • yes, it will work correctly as it calculates % invoice in default currency (say usd) based on the amount paid in credits (equivalent to usd).

                  • as explored so far, I don't think there's "auto-suspend for unpaid invoice" and some settings to "auto-suspend during n number of overdue days". I think this feature should be added to next milestone if it actually doesn't exist. @Alex T⚜️

                    • As dear @Stephen-Mystic Inam noticed (thnx, mate!) there is no auto-suspend feature and the admin should check similar things by himself.

                      • Right, it does not suspend any ''overdue memberships''. BUT it pushes these profiles back to membership level standard. So with some smart permission settings you can ship around the missing "auto-suspend for unpaid invoice". Not ideal, I know, but a bit better than nothing 😉

                        • We are talking of different things my friend, membership levels automatically go back to standard and loss of higher privileges occurs. I'm still working out how I will deal with storage space being over. And I have no idea how UNA handles it. I will ask.

                          The auto suspend we are talking about is when a member owes the site money for income made. They should go into a suspended state until paid. I should have no issue writing this myself (already looked at the internals).

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