Stream Notion - Discuss the latest and upcoming titles across streaming platforms and digital TV.

I wanted to create a site for users to discuss the latest and upcoming titles landing on Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, TV etc. I have been browsing solutions for a while for the best software to use but I decided to come back to UNA after reading about version 13.

I've installed the software successfully on my site at - it's a little buggy as expected so I will be asking about that in the forums but i can't wait to get my site working the way I want it to.

I'm excited for the return of YouTube embed. This really helps my site as users can share trailers directly from YouTube into the site.

I want to utilise the discussion plugin as being the main place for conversation on my site.

Stream Notion will be invitation only until a stable version of UNA 13 is released. If you want to help me with adding content to the site and with feature suggestions, please register.

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