UNA Account vs Profile


Question 1:

Could someone explain to me the concept behind the 'Account' and the 'Profile' feature? How is 'Account' different from the 'Profile'? The two concepts/features are a bit confusing because they look pretty similar and they have the same level permissions. (View photos, view posts etc)

I have disabled all the Unconfirmed level's permissions to force new members to confirm their email and phone. Unfortunately, unconfirmed accounts without a profile are still able to browse the site (view photos, videos, posts, discussions etc). I have found out that the Account Level's permissions are what are causing such a weird system behavior.

This sets up a relatively anonymous account. As you know, some people will not even spend their time to create a 'Profile' if they can browse the site anonymously using the 'Account' level's permissions.

We will end up having a bunch of unconfirmed accounts with unconfirmed/fake email addresses/phone numbers and without profiles that will need to be pruned from time to time.

Question 2:

Would it be safe to disable all the 'Account' level's permissions and leave only: Create Person's Profile, Create Organization's Profile and Delete Account?

Will the UNA System still work fine with all the 'Account' level's permissions disabled? Do other Levels (Standard, Premium etc) rely on the 'Account' level's persmissions to work properly?

Question 3:

How to restrict new members, except 'Verified/Confirmed' users (Those who have confirmed both their email and phone), to create a Person or Organization's Profil?

Unconfirmed members should not be able to create a profile. With the actual setup, they are able to do so because of the 'Account' level's permissions.


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Replies (10)
    • Think of accounts as the "gateway" to the site, while someone has an account, they have limited access to the content of the site, to which can be controlled by the admin (either granted more or less access). It's not until the person creates an profile that the site opens up more for the end-user, allowing them further access to the site.

      In regards to your question, there is a addon being sold on the market that pretty much locks down the site for the account level, forcing someone to create a profile before they can do anything else.

      Edit 1: https://una.io/view-product/mandatory-profiles-creation

      • Studio>Settings> "Lock Site from Unauthenticated Users" might be useful combined with what LoneTreeLeaf said

        • @LoneTreeLeaf Thanks for the reply and your explanation. I have once seen that mod but it seems that it was buggy (according to the comments). Also it doesn't really do what i have explained above.

          • @Will Roberts Thanks for the reply. What i am willing to achieve is to lock the Person and Organization's profile creation from Unconfirmed/Unverified members not unauthenticated users. (please see question 3)

            • The issues could be resolved for the current build, but if you're running the beta, it could conflict once the next phase comes out. Par of the course with running betas.

              I suggested the module as a "addition" to the already in-place settings offered from the backend, not as a end-all be-all option.

              • Hello @OneEagle !

                Yes, you're right - you need to disable the "Create Person profile" action and disable the automatic profile creation in the Studio->Settings->Account area. To get the common structure about the accounts / profiles you may find here https://github.com/unaio/una/wiki/User-Profiles

                • Hi @OneEagle

                  Something similar was raised in this thread. There I commented on what happens in my networks, almost 35% of accounts without a profile.

                  I don't know how to solve this and I don't know if it is possible to implement what I propose in UNA platform.


                  • 1- account is created after signing up. There is indeed a glitch- where before the person confirms their email, their status goes to ‘account’ instead of staying as unauthenticated. Profile- is after the person has created their profile. These two should not have same permissions. I have kept account very very limited as I realized that someone becomes account without even confirming their email. I also went individually to page blocks to specify permissions to add even more restrictions.

                    2- that’s what I did. I have very limited permissions for Account

                    3- because of the glitch in the platform, I think as long as a user signs up, they are automatically taken to select their profile. I don’t think this is terrible because it encourages members to create their profile but if you restrict permissions in Account, they will eventually create their profile which is exactly what you want anyway.

                    • I think you can probably do that in membership settings and just have them only be able to "create profile". Studio>Permissions

                      • While looking in permissions I was able to only have "Create Profile" and "Create Organization" in Account so basically they cannot do or see anything until after they've created a profile or organization. Same for Unauthenticated and Uncomfirmed.

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