UNA Needs to Improve Regarding Website Improvement and Speed

Several problems with the UNA script.

I saw several websites that use UNA CMS scripts, none of them reached 90% speed.

Need to add "CANONICAL" because many articles are not indexed. Google can't index the reason is "No CANONICAL" This is very important!

Example: <link rel="canonical" href="https ://domain . com /posts/blablablabla" />

This problem is the same as stated by @Ivan Mishchenko

I hope the UNA team can resolve this problem as soon as possible. Thank You.

@Andrey Yasko @Anton L @LeonidS @Alex T⚜️

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Replies (16)
    • Hello. UNA 14.0.0-A3 adds a canonical URL to almost every page. Of course, you could only add it to pages, for example: unacms. com/i/see-more, since they are the only ones that are duplicates.

      • And in order for the site to be better indexed, it seems that you still need a sitemap. I also noticed that with the advent of neural networks, Google began to index sites worse. There are a lot of sites that automatically regenerate hundreds or even thousands of pages per day.

        • Hello @Sensasi.Net !

          Do you have the possibility to provide me the info regarding that part: "I saw several websites that use UNA CMS scripts, none of them reached 90% speed." It would be useful to get your methods about speed metrics and have the accesses to the Studio in several examples.

          • I looked and checked the Google pagespeed page, the results were very bad.




            • Yes, thank you... now I have seen it... and it is exactly what I expected...

                • You performed the test for "Mobile" connection and pointed to the homepage with a number of large images, because you have the Timeline/Outline as well Posts browsing enabled for mobile viewports on homage. Thins tanked your score.
                • Cover image is relatively large - you can upload a smaller, better compressed image via Studio.

                There will be a number of improvements in v14 final, and we expect Desktop score to be in 97-99% range with mobile score comfortably 80+.

                • This is for reference:

                  • In fact, I think the speed of the main page is not the most important thing. The most important pages that should load faster and consume less device resources are: Discussions, Albums, Posts, and so on.

                    • I tried to see the performance on the login page, the result was "D". Even though the login page does not contain any content including images. However, the results are not appropriate. What's worse, on the main page or home page, it shows very disappointing results. Is there a solution to speed up website performance? for example with .htaccess? I have done it, but the results are still very disappointing.



                      • To start with,

                        • There are 8(!) Google Adsense banners on your homepage. Each one loads images, animations and javascript.
                        • There are 5 giant (2400px wide) images inn your welcome block, force-resized to a small 460px wide container, with some animation on top.
                        • There's a 2.7Mb animated Gif that doesn't do anything

                        Consider how you can reduce the above. At this stage most of the payload on the homepage isn't even coming from UNA and there is nothing you can do in server config to make things faster. The page loads huge amount of JS, unoptimised media assets and overall DOM is overwhelming for a browser as a result.

                        • Your login page loads 2.2s in my test. More than half of this time is taken by close to a 100 various scripts, pages and assets loaded by Google ads and associated scripts.

                          • Here is how login page loads without any google ads on it:

                            • @Sensasi.Net dari Indo yang bro? udah jadi komunitasnya sepertinya, oh ya untuk payment apakah udah di implement yang custom bro untuk currency Indo, atau gak ada rencana implement?

                              • Thank you for proofreading my site. I will look for a solution to solve this problem. Because actually, I am already comfortable and like the appearance of the main page of my site.

                                • yupz bro ane dr indo 😀 untuk modul payment tgal tambahin rp/rupiah bro

                                  • iya bro diaktifkan dulu ya mode developernya, oh ya udah running ya bro websitenya?

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