UNA nginx rewrite rules
client_max_body_size 200M; # file upload limit
location / {
index index.html index.htm index.php;
rewrite "^/path-to-una/page/(.*)$" /path-to-una/page.php?i=$1 last;
rewrite "^/path-to-una/m/(.*)$" /path-to-una/modules/index.php?r=$1 last;
rewrite "^/path-to-una/s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)" /path-to-una/storage.php?o=$1&f=$2 last;
if (!-e $request_filename ) {
rewrite ^/path-to-una/(.+)$ /path-to-una/r.php?_q=$1 last;
# deny access to hidden files
location ~ /path-to-una/(\.ht|\.git) {
deny all;
# deny access to specific folders
location ~ ^/path-to-una/(cache/|storage/|logs/|plugins/|tmp/) {
deny all;
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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Sorry: I do not know where to look...
Hello UnitekSystemsLtd !
The first step with error 504 - check the load of the processor and memory. Maybe there is a lack of resources.
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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UNA is a VM with 4 cores and 64GB Memory. and 500GB SSD. The Mysql {MariaDB} is on a separate VM with the same spec. The CPUs are running at 0% in Hyper-V. Should not be CPU or Memory
I am running v12.0.0.0 - has anyone installed this version?
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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I have been through that code and there is no difference to what you are showing...
You loose this game) With Una you need to be more attentive and patience than other.
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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I already tried that; I get the same issue...does not make a diference
I am getting 504 Gateway Time-out when I am trying to go into the Studio for the first time.
Any ideas?
Add full config I try to look.
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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I can only copy a screen shot; as this is a VM on a remote server: I am using RDP and Hyper-V to get the terminal windows...
Also trying this as I am trying to get the SSL to work: my problem here is I installed it with http:// on the installation. I need to find the MySql table to I can change this to https://..........
header.inc.php edit in /inc/
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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Thanks for that :)
- · Rocco
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Clear files on cache folder. Clear browser cache and try to login studio.
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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I cleared my browser cache.
rm /var/www/xyz.com/html/cache/*.* has been executed
I still have the same issue
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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I fixed the 504 Gateway Time-out by adding fastcgi_read_timeout 300
But The Studio is very slow... Why!?
I ran a Server Audit: and get this FAIL
If you look from rdp its normal to be slow!
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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I am on my laptop; not via RDP. The performance is very slow in Studio only. so I need too add another location to the nginx configuration for studio?
check full audit clear cache idk Wharton be slow maybe you have old laptop) with bad cooling or another software
- · Rocco
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And if you use it on shared hosting!
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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nothing to do with the laptop... this is a performance issue on the Debian server. not the laptop I am using
Than concentrate on server settings i think that's not una.
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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below is my current /etc/nginx/sites-available
Issues I am having - any ideas?:
- Performance in Studio: this was fixed by adding 127.0.01 <domain name> in /etc/hosts/
- Images after uploaded are not displaying properly
- · UnitekSystemsLtd
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the storage folder: does that folder structure seem correct. all the folders under bx_persons_pictures seem to go 3 folders deep. and there is no images in any of the folders. Any ideas?
Yes, it is. It was made to prevent the work of Linux limit on 32K of files in the 1 folder.
- · Genesis
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Where do I put this rewrite code? What file do I change? I'm using cpanel.
I tried putting it in nginx.conf and it said that it rebuilt with errors
In reply to Genesis
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Hello Genesis !
Usually, it is closed to edit the nginx.conf file via CPanel. You need to ask your hosting provider about it.
- · Kyle
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A quick late add on this, if you are using plesk, from your site, go to your websites and then Hosting and DNS and then Apache & nginx Settings and put them in the Additional nginx directives
- · Kyle
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Alex T⚜️ I am using plesk with apache proxy off. I got everything working, but when I open Apps market it will take forever to install an app and sometimes it will be done, I will see the fastcgi error in the log, wheel still going, and refresh and module will be there,. Also if I go into notifications I sometimes get 504 when it goes to load the settings. This lets me know I am still dealing with an issue. Here are my current NGINX directives:
location / {
index index.html index.htm index.php;
rewrite "^/page/(.*)$" /page.php?i=$1 last;
rewrite "^/m/(.*)$" /modules/index.php?r=$1 last;
rewrite "^/s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)" /storage.php?o=$1&f=$2 last;
if (!-e $request_filename ) {
rewrite ^/(.+)$ /r.php?_q=$1 last;
proxy_buffer_size 128k;
proxy_buffers 4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;
fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
#headers sesion timeproxy_connect_timeout 900;
proxy_send_timeout 900;
fastcgi_send_timeout 900;
fastcgi_read_timeout 900;
gzip off;
brotli on;
Is there anything I may be missing. You can see everything I have done in my plesk discussion here: https://una.io/page/view-discussion?id=8594 the error what I get with this is the fastcgi upstream error when it is installing apps from the studio. Or if anyone else has had experience with PLESK and NGINX that has ran into similar issues.
- · Kyle
In reply to Alex T⚜️
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Alex T⚜️ It is after it is downloaded. They download fine and quick, it is when you are going to install them after. It will just spin past my 900S timeout it seems and when I refresh it will be there and show installed. The other area I get an issue is in profile notification settings. When going to load it, it takes forever and then 504 error. These are the only two areas thankfully I noticed an issue. I want to reinstall notifications again but afraid to, I do not want to mess anything up at this point. Got the site finally up to a workable state. I did add proxy_buffering on; to my directive just in case. Seen some fixes and that one was what I had but with the added line of it being on. I figured it would be on by default. Should I be safe to uninstall notifications and reinstall it?
- · Ξx¢ΞL 2
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hello, i have installed the NGINX module, but i dont know what i have to do or were i get the Infos, what the module need , maybe someone can help me please
- · thomlin
In reply to Ξx¢ΞL 2
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In settings you have to enter the URL to the server that runs nginx. nginx listens to port 1935. Make sure that this port is open and not blocked by a firewall for in and out communication. The application name is the name which configures your nginx server. In the examle config for nginx server of UNA its name is "app". https://github.com/unaio/una/wiki/Streams
Source pattern is nothing else as the then following configuration for the nginx server as given in the example, I guess.
mpeg-dash streaming and hls streaming are optional if you configure them in source pattern. You don't need them, if you don't want those options.
nginx stats can also be configured as described in the wiki of UNA, in the lower part of the description.
"General" is for configuration of the UNA streaming module in frontend.
- · thomlin
In reply to thomlin
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Sources Pattern does only fit for OME and has no effect on nginx, right @Alex T⚜️ ? nginx has to be setup in its server config file directly, also right?
Just for clarification.
it isn't correct, Sources Pattern need to be always specified for both OME and Nginx.
If you want to discuss it further, please create separate discussion, since it's separate subject.
- · thomlin
In reply to Alex T⚜️
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I'll do so, because eplanation in your wiki entry about the difference between streaming server config and sources pattern in Stream module settings is confusing.
- · Romulus
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In reply to Romulus
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Hello @Olariu Romeo Vicentiu !
Could you plz provide us with any examples of not-working things from the @Alex T⚜️ solutions?
- · Romulus
In reply to LeonidS
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I didn't say that the example wouldn't be good, I just said that it's not complete, and a complete configuration example is needed, it only offers the nginx rewrite rules, not a full config
- · Romulus
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CORS Configuration for NGINX and S3 Integration
We are currently working on integrating Amazon S3 with our NGINX server configuration, specifically for the
location. To ensure that we can load resources from both our own site and S3 without encountering CORS issues, we need your guidance on the correct CORS header configuration.Could you please provide us with detailed instructions on how to set up the necessary CORS headers in NGINX? Specifically, we would like to know how to:
- Allow requests from our website as well as the S3 bucket from the origin we setup in our websites
- Specify the appropriate HTTP methods and headers that should be permitted.
- Properly handle preflight requests.
Your expertise on this matter would be greatly appreciated, as we want to ensure a smooth integration without any CORS-related problems.
I already tray:
location /storage { # Proxy requests to your S3 bucket proxy_pass https://your-s3-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com; # Set CORS headers add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://your-website.com https://your-s3-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '*'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true'; # Handle preflight requests if ($request_method = OPTIONS) { add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://your-website.com https://your-s3-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '*'; add_header 'Content-Length' 0; return 204; } }
o also tray with caddy this config:
# CORS Config Block Directive (cors) { @cors_preflight { method OPTIONS } @corsOrigin { header_regexp Origin ^https?://({$AWS_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)*{$AWS_BUCKET}\.{$AWS_REGION}\.{$AWS_ENDPOINT}$|^https?://localhost(:[0-9]+)?$|^https?://({$DOMAIN_WHITELIST})$ } handle @cors_preflight { header { Access-Control-Allow-Origin "{http.request.header.Origin}" Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true Access-Control-Allow-Headers "*" Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE" Access-Control-Max-Age "3600" Vary Origin defer } respond "" 204 } handle @corsOrigin { header { Access-Control-Allow-Origin "{http.request.header.Origin}" Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true Access-Control-Expose-Headers "*" Vary Origin defer } } }
www.exemple.com # Reverse Proxy handle { encode zstd gzip import cors reverse_proxy localhost:8080 { header_up X-Forwarded-Port {http.request.port} header_up X-Real-IP {remote_host} } }
DOMAIN_WHITELIST="www.exemple.com|onesignal.com|google.com|www.google.com|youtube.com|www.youtube.coms|s3.us-east-005.backblazeb2.com" ################################################################################ ### AWS/CDN-SPECIFIC SETTINGS ################################################################################ # The name of your AWS S3 bucket (or equivalent bucket name for another provider) # Example: "your_bucket_name" AWS_BUCKET=mybucket # The endpoint for your bucket (Amazon S3 or alternative services like Wasabi, Backblaze, etc.) # Example: "s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" AWS_ENDPOINT=s3.us-east-005.backblazeb2.com # The region where your bucket is located # Example: "us-east-1" AWS_REGION=us-east-005
but I have a message in google chrome from CORB blocking requests
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,
Alex T⚜️
In reply to Romulus
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You don't need to configure AWS S3 this way, UNA already has S3 storage support, for details please refer this doc:
Alex T⚜️
- · Romulus
In reply to Alex T⚜️
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I am particularly interested in the configuration for Caddy as a reverse proxy and Nginx as a proxy. My goal is to limit requests to only what is necessary to enhance security. I will provide a complete configuration on GitHub and share the link for you to review.
Great point. Very interested in seeing how this is going to work. Thanks @Coozila! Lab for bringing this up and @Alex T⚜️ for your input on this.
- · roracle
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So I'm having a problem with this. It does not seem to work at all, and I can't understand why. It's the only thing I'm having trouble with. I would love any help anyone can give me.
Here's a link to my config: https: // pastebin . com/EBkuBNKm
(remove the spaces, as my membership won't allow me to post links)
Alex T⚜️
In reply to roracle
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Path to UNA means path to UNA in query string, for example
- if UNA is installed at "https://example.com/" then the path would be "/"
- if UNA is installed at "https://example.com/my/app/" then the path would be "/my/app/"
Please replace the following in you nginx config
location / { index index.html index.htm index.php; rewrite "^/var/www/tavrn.social/page/(.*)$" /var/www/tavrn.social//page.php?i=$1 last; rewrite "^/var/www/tavrn.social/m/(.*)$" /var/www/tavrn.social/modules/index.php?r=$1 last; rewrite "^/var/www/tavrn.social/s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)" /var/www/tavrn.social/storage.php?o=$1&f=$2 last; if (!-e $request_filename ) { rewrite ^/var/www/tavrn.social/(.+)$ /var/www/tavrn.social/r.php?_q=$1 last; break; } } # deny access to hidden files location ~ /var/www/tavrn.social/(\.ht|\.git) { deny all; } # deny access to specific folders location ~ ^/var/www/tavrn.social/(cache/|storage/|logs/|plugins/|tmp/) { deny all; }
with the following
location / { index index.html index.htm index.php; rewrite "^/page/(.*)$" /page.php?i=$1 last; rewrite "^/m/(.*)$" /modules/index.php?r=$1 last; rewrite "^/s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)" /storage.php?o=$1&f=$2 last; if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.+)$ /r.php?_q=$1 last; break; } } # deny access to hidden files location ~ /(\.ht|\.git) { deny all; } # deny access to specific folders location ~ ^/(cache/|storage/|logs/|plugins/|tmp/) { deny all; }
Alex T⚜️
- · roracle
In reply to Alex T⚜️
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That fixed that issue. Now on to the image transcoder not working lol
Thank you very much :)
In reply to roracle
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I guess you need to apply this solution now: https://unacms.com/cmts-view/1nzuaie?sys=bx_forum&cmt_id=48562
- · Test Socraci
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Hi, everybody! Thanks to the UNA TEAM! And also thanks to all the people that are helping others! In my case I install everything, and follow the instructions but always the CSS doesn´t appear, any ideas why it is showing that way? Really appreciate your help!
This is my nginx:
Can´t pass my config file: Your current membership (Standard) doesn't allow you to 'Post links'.
Any ideas?
Hello @Test Socraci !
It appears that this situation frequently occurs when the installation has been configured for an HTTPS domain, but the site is currently operating over HTTP. Could you kindly verify if the site URL specified in the inc/header.inc.php file reflects the correct and current value?
- · Test Socraci
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Hi @LeonidS ! Thank you so much for your answer! Yes, it is configured well:
something else?
Again thanks a lot!