Reposted OneEagle's discussion.


My logo (image + business name) is wide and doesn't look great on UNA because of the default logo size in Artificer, the top navigation menu and the toolbar member icons (notifications , messenger etc) that occcupy too much space in the top navigation bar.

I would like to display one version (short version) of my logo to members and another one (long version) to guests as many items of the top navigation bar don't show to non-logged-in users. Please how to achieve that?

Facebook does the same. They got a short and long version of their logo as you can see on the images below.

One version for logged-in users:


and another one for visitors:


I know there is this tickect #4656 possibility to upload separate images for Light and Dark modes but that's not what I am talking about.

It would have been great to also be able to upload multiple logo versions/images and set the membership level visibility. 


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