Added a discussion

Hi! I'm starting to figure out how events and groups work in my test installation, and something weird is happening. If I create a discussion in context in either an event or a group, the discussion also shows up in the discussions home page:


Is this supposed to work like this? The discussions only show up for a user who is going to the event, but it still feels weird for group/event discussions to be on the main discussions page, in addition to the discussions tab for the group or the event. It seems like the main discussions page should not contain discussions posted to a context module - like I know if I post an "ad" to a group, it will not show up on the main ads page, only in the group. And if you look on the left - the "popular" block, and the "discussions categories" block - both of those do not display the discussions in context.

  • 646
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    • agree with this, this is weird for group/event discussions to be on the main discussions page without following it. Does anyone know if this is configurable?

      • Hello! I think there's nothing wrong with that. Essentially, the main discussion page acts as a “folder” where all discussions are stored, regardless of where they were published. Therefore, it seems to me that this is how it should be.

        • I don't use groups or events, but if I want my discussion to be visible only to friends, then I select the "Friends Only" visibility. I think this should work in your case too.

          • Hi all!

            It seems we need to add some improvements here, the ticket is here https://github.com/unacms/una/issues/4679

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