I'd like to grant new users an amount of Credits. Is it possible to do this automatically? Or only manually? If I could create a Credits bundle that is only accessible for one user level, that would also help. Afaik the Credits module has no interface to the Permissions module so far. It would be good to connect both.
...or a free Credits bundle could be defined as a one time offer.
Maybe someone could develop a "New Users" module. That module could handle different actions on new subscriptions:
- grant credits
- grant a time limited test period
- do other things to new users
There are already modules that handle new users, e.g. Auto Membership. And also the introduction popups of the UNA system are only for new users. So it should be not too difficult to implement other handling features for new users.
Hello Achim Wagenknecht !
No, you can't grant credits free automatically. For smth similar (automatic mode but free) you need to use the Points App.
I see. But is it possible to pay for Paid Levels with Points?
Yes, it is possible using this module https://una.io/page/view-product?id=329
AQB Soft I installed Points and Points Wallet and went through the config pages. Now my members can earn and buy Points, but they can't pay with Points. What do I have to config?
Maybe I need to activate the Points Wallet on /page/payment-details ? Unfortunately that page now gives me a white screen. 😫