do you use RocketChat on your UNA installations? If so, how do you use it? I thought it could be used with that app of RocketChat, so you could offer a separate chat app to users. But turns out this does not work. So what is this RocketChat module good for?
- 2389
Paypal blocked my account. They say I offer something that's against their rules, but they don't say, what that may be, let alone why. The only thing I offer is the paid Plus level on my UNA platform RoundOF. Has anybody encountered similar problems with Paypal? Does onyone know how to solve this?
- 2463
For the second time, one of my users lost a photo album. Have any of you encountered similar problems? What could be the cause and how could this be solved?
- 2464
I wnat to have some pages with footer but without header. So on those pages I switched to "Setting: Type: Without header/footer". I found the footer menu in the Developer app of Studio. Now how can I add the footer to those pages again?
- 2397
is it possible to implement a translation in the splash page? As of now, I have a german version, but I'd like to have it in english, too.
- 2373
How are these notifications meant to work? I implemented them with help of Roman L (thank you), but my Android phone only rings, when the app is open and a chat is active on screen. Shouldn't there be a notification, when the app is closed and the screen is off?
- 1630
I'd like to grant new users an amount of Credits. Is it possible to do this automatically? Or only manually? If I could create a Credits bundle that is only accessible for one user level, that would also help. Afaik the Credits module has no interface to the Permissions module so far. It would be good to connect both.
- 1414
I just try to translate the texts on my platform RoundOF to my german mother tongue. English should stay available too, of course.
What I did:
Go to /studio/builder_page.php.
Open a block.
Switch language from English to German.
Edit the text.
Save the block.
What should have happened:
Block should be available in English and German, when a user switches the language.
What really happened:
Same edited text appears, no matter to what language a user switches.
Where is the error? Please advise.
Kind regards
- 1540