14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA
May be I misunderstood the concept of ''group visibility setting by membership level''. Right now the group setting ''visibility'' by membership level does not work correctly. No matter what combination of settings is done.
- The defined membership level cannot see the group in ''groups-home''. Even site admin cant see the group in ''groups-home'' but at least in ''joined'' and ''followed''.
- Search groups: The group is listed when searching by group name.
- Search groups: The group is listed also for ALL other membership levels. What of course is not the idea of visibilty setting by membership level.
- Search results : The defined membership level can use the grouplink and see / join the group.
- Other levels can see but not use the grouplink ++ , that is fine.
Can anybody confirm?
In studio under general:
Change it to this and it will work. This feature was recently introduce.
Thx for your answer Chris Andre may be a misunderstanding. The context settings in studio/settings/general are enabled.....
Conclusio: A group, set for a membership level, is not visible for that level in group-home and can only be found by group search. Please @LeonidS have a look at this....
Site Group Home (new groups):
Site group search:
The group settings of this group :
My apologies then...
Nonono! Any interest, answer and idea is always very much appreciated!
What a relief... and thx
Hello @Peter !
I've checked the limit by the membership and it works as it should on my side. Yes, it is possible to find the closed group by the keyword, but the found items will be marked as "Private" and it would be impossible to see it without rights. The point about:
The defined membership level cannot see the group in ''groups-home''
means that only public groups are shown on the Groups home page. Any visibility limits drop the group frmo there.
Thx for the infos !