When I try and click on my Timeline Admin Module in studio I get this error, 500 error. Then I try and enable to service via the studio it shows as active but, won't activate. My timeline is the life blood of my site and right now my site is useless. I can't activate the timeline module and I'm terrified of deleting the module and then re-adding it. I will probably lose all of my data. From the Developers of UNA, I'll give you my studio, cpanel and whm access if you need it. Please help. Thank you.
Don't delete the module. We'll have a look. Send us an email with access details to team@una.io.
I just sent an email to team@una.io
I contracted @MSolutions to fix the problem for us. We lost over 10,000 posts, and 54 gigs of data. I highly recommend MSolutions, they are a great partner of UNA.
server always do backup so it can be recovered anytime