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Any feedback on version 14.0 A1? I'd like to see a site that's running it. Also, what are the new features added?

  • 818
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We installed our own Jitsi Meet Server and I'm willing to let others use it.

The UNA community has been so great to us so we want to give back.

Inside of your Jitsi Messenger settings put in:

Have a great day and enjoy.

---John Sheline

Veteran Brigades: ‍‍

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When I try and click on my Timeline Admin Module in studio I get this error, 500 error. Then I try and enable to service via the studio it shows as active but, won't activate. My timeline is the life blood of my site and right now my site is useless. I can't activate the timeline module and I'm terrified of deleting the module and then re-adding it. I will probably lose all of my data. From the Developers of UNA, I'll give you my studio, cpanel and whm access if you need it. Please help. Thank you.

  • 1250
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Last week we contracted @MSolutions to install our Jitsi software on our dedicated server. If you're looking to install your own Jitsi server I highly recommend these guys. We're running UNA 13.0 Final.

  • 1241
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Since upgrading to 13.0 from 12.1.0 the notifications module is acting goofy and throwing errors.


  • 1250
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I was upgrading from version 12.1.0 to 13.0, it's now stuck and inoperable:

It says "Site is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance, please try again in a minute."

  • 1378
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When I use the Mass Emailer Module I get this error after I hit submit.

  • 1528
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Using Messenger 12.07 - I'm having to hit refresh a lot to get the next message to come up. Is there something wrong with our JOT server? Is there a fix to stop this from happening? This is where we're using UNA:

  • 1390
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I used to able to drag and drop or copy/paste an image into the text box and it would copy over automatically but, now it says "Cannot perform insertion". Is this a bug that UNA is aware of or looking at fixing?

  • 1362
VeteranBrigades Discussions
Any feedback on version 14.0 A1? I'd like to see a site that's running it. Also, what are the new features added?
We installed our own Jitsi Meet Server and I'm willing to let others use it
I need help with my Time Line Module - it's throwing errors and my site is totally down
MSolutions installed our Jitsi Server - everything is great
Since upgrading to 13.0 from 12.1.0 the notifications module is acting goofy and throwing errors
I was upgrading from version 12.1.0 to 13.0, it's now stuck