I'm not going to call this a request or suggestion until I get some feedback on the feasibility of it,
Currently, the available hierarchy is limited to verticle relationships, ie Parent > Child
My question is this: Would it be feasible to add lateral hierarchy? I don't know how many Una users would find this useful, but I have an application where a "Sibling" relationship would be useful. The only requirement would be the establishment of the Sibling relationship, and the ability to display a Space's Siblings on a page, whenever those relationships exist, I'm suggesting relationships only.., no complicated inter-woven privacy/permissions/visibility. Everything between siblings remains isolated and independent, linked only by the sibling relationship.
The parent-child relationship isn't always appropriate, Sometimes you need lateral connections.
I might add, that 'Sibling' connections should only be automatically established between spaces with the same administrator. Sibling connections between spaces with different administrators, should probably be handled as a request that must be accepted before the connection is finalized(Just because someone wants to call you a Sibling, doesn't mean you want to be one) Siblings with different administrators, must of course, be able to break the connection at any time.
This does add a degree of complexity to lateral relationships. It would be nice to have some day if feasible, but by no means anything urgent.
That's a bit of a brain exercise... Good to consider when actual use-cases come up for sure. With Spaces we need to be careful to avoid recursive dependancies especially when there's some kind of database polling is required to implement the relationship-based functionality. Perhaps if it's "just" showing those related spaces it may work fine, though.
That's why I said no complicated inter-weaving needs to be considered. Showing related spaces is enough... nothing else needs to happen.
So if a parent space had 2 children spaces would that accomplish the need of having the two children related by having the same parent. This is a brain tease.
I have not installed Spaces yet as I am trying to figure out the best way to implement it on my site
In that scenario, the children automatically have a lateral relationship by having the same parents. However, if you had spaces for the children's aunts and uncles, they could be shown as connected to the children's parents by a sibling feature. All the inter-relationships do get a bit complicated if you think too hard about them. That's why I said that simply showing a connection is good enough. In your example, it may be useful to show the connections of the children's aunts and uncles to the children's parents. As in real-world scenarios, just because someone is your aunt or uncle, doesn't mean you have to automatically like them or share any of your private information with them.
Could you please show it graphically (screenshot or diagram) ? it's not very obvious how you want it make to work