Added a discussion

So few people are still having difficulties - I must conclude that this long awaited update is a success.

Our thanks and congratulations go out to the hard working UNA Team, busy behind the scenes. Their accomplishments are unbelievable.

Those who have upgraded, what are your first impressions? Any pitfalls to avoid other than cron related or php version? Do tell...

  • 646
    • We clicked upgrade on https://educatedsingles.com days ago and the site went blank an unaccessible.

      nothing has happened apart from a lot of user complaints and lost revenue

      • Ohhh my. I know that sickening feeling. It's akin to losing your cat or dog. Then you wonder if your search engine rankings will be affected. Not to mention what your members are wondering... Your members with whom it is near impossible to communicate with.

        I saw where others tried to help. Perhaps they can revisit your case. I would open another thread about it. Then you will be likely noticed.

        Hopefully in the future, a cumulative update will be released without delay for those who did not and do not incrementally update.

        Don't be discouraged. You did your best to keep your site up and running. The dust will soon settle. Somewhere not far away the solution is out there.

        • In old UNA versions there was a limit on the number of modules which can be requested for an update at once, this is the reason Updates and Purchases pages was giving an error, since you have a lot of modules installed. I've temporarily changed some settings on una.io server to allow bigger GET requests. We've fixed it in later UNA versions, so once you are updated you shouldn't have such problem, despite the una.io server settings.

          Also I've noticed that UNA cron on your server is running once in an half an hour, however it's recommended to run it every minute. It may lead to the longer delays when update is requested and some UNA internal cron jobs couldn't be run at all.

          Now you can proceed with further updates.

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