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So fast despite we have a lot of photos of educated singles on the page in all sorts of formats and sizes.

  • 767
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Seems like none of our members can update their profiles after upgrading to 13.1.0-B1. It comes up with the message about incorrect info, but no indication about where that is.

Any ideas about how to trouble shoot this?


  • 687
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There are too many errors in 13.1.0-B1. How do we roll back to 13.0.0?

Kind regards


  • 836
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On we have formattet persons profile as shown below in the red circle. After upgrading to version 13 the format doesn't show as it should.

The right column is shown beneath the left column on all devices and desktops we have tried and with all browsers we have tried.

Any ideas on how to resolve it?

All the best



  • 834
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We have disabled membership expiration messages with -1 in ACL in systems setting. It worked fine in UNA 12 but in UNA 13 members get a message right after paying their membership that their membership is about to expire.

please help. We don’t want member to be notified.

  • 863
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We are currently running UNA 12.1.0 and have auto-upgrade enabled, but there is no version 13 showing up anywhere we can click on and upgrade.

Please help.

All the best


  • 1001
Added a discussion want to change the push button text on the front page one of these days

  • 907
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WE (The Educated Singles Club) are currently looking ito how we can make our services even better for our members around the world. One of the topics we are looking at is AI powered matchmaking.

ChatGPT came up with the following tools we should look at

  1. Dating AI: Dating AI is an AI-powered chatbot that can be integrated with existing dating platforms to help users find compatible matches. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences to make matches.
  1. KAI: KAI is an AI-powered matchmaking platform that can be integrated with dating apps and websites. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to analyze user behaviour and preferences to make matches.
  1. LUV.AI: LUV.AI is an AI-powered matchmaking platform that can be integrated with dating apps and websites. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences to make matches, and it also offers a range of coaching and advice services to help users improve their dating skills.
  1. LoveBlock: LoveBlock is a blockchain-powered matchmaking platform that can be integrated with dating apps and websites. It uses blockchain technology to enhance security and transparency, and it also uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences to make matches.
  1. AIMM: AIMM is an AI-powered dating coach that can be integrated with existing dating platforms. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to analyze user behaviour and preferences to provide personalized coaching and advice.

My question is: Have any of you tried to integrate AI tools into UNA, e.g. matchmaking and what were your experiences?

I am looking forward to hear from you

Have a nice easter


  • 1105
Added a discussion

Hello community.

We are looking at how to retrieve profiles without a profile photo, so we can encourage these members to upload a profile photo.

Does any of you have a nice simple way of retrieving these profiles?

All the best


PS: We are on version 12

  • 1002
EducatedSingles Discussions
Truly impressive team UNA
Members can't save their profiles after updating
Roll back from 13.1.0-B1 to 13.0.0
View persons profile doesn't format correctly
Membership expiration notifications are wrong
Our site doesn't show upgrade option.