Hello community, shortly after sucessfully reinstalling una on a domain went into maintainance mode and has been giving this message for over a week now.
"Site is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance, please try again in a minute".
Usually, this message appears after the launched upgrade on the site with the non-working Cron Jobs on the server. But it needs to check the error log carefully for all possible reasons. And your current site has problems with DNS and isn't available for checking now.
UPDATE: one site of dear @Benny was upgraded fine, the only reason for this message was the stuck removal of the .bx_maintenance file in the root of UNA. It might happen if smth isn't good with the permissions of the server's user (not enough rights to delete/move of the script-generated file).
Hello @Benny !
Usually, this message appears after the launched upgrade on the site with the non-working Cron Jobs on the server. But it needs to check the error log carefully for all possible reasons. And your current site has problems with DNS and isn't available for checking now.
My site is doing the same think: https://www.smokeymcduffs.com/community/
I was upgrading from version 12.1.0 to 13.0, it's now stuck and inoperable.
Yes, I tried to schedule the cron jobs but I guess it was not properly done.
UPDATE: one site of dear @Benny was upgraded fine, the only reason for this message was the stuck removal of the .bx_maintenance file in the root of UNA. It might happen if smth isn't good with the permissions of the server's user (not enough rights to delete/move of the script-generated file).
Educatedsingles.com is still unaccessible