Wonder why it is that my Edge browser is showing this page so crazy.. is the CSS messed up, or my browser? Ugh

  • 2250
    • Which page?

      • Blythe J Probably the way Edge is processing the page. Sometimes when I boot into Windows on my laptop, it does the same to me. When I in Linux using FF or Chrome, no issues ever. I personally do not like Edge. I use FF on Windows (whenever I use Windows which is never).

        • My home page on Una is all jumbled in Edge. I realize that it's not the best browser but one does need to realize that there will be a lot of users who will use various browsers. Incidentally, earlier this week it was fine.

        • Blythe J 

          I've just checked in latest IE and everything looks fine, could you please provide the exact browser version and the screenshot of the problem ?

          • Sorry, now it looks fine.. if it does it again, I'll take a screenshot. BTW, it was on una.io, not on my site.

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