How to change texts in user interface?

Question: I am trying to change the text which is appearing on the cover can you let me know how to do this please? 
"Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."


Changing texts in UNA user interface.

UNA is multilingual. Therefore, all interface texts are using so called "language keys", which in turn use installed UNA Language Apps. So, for example, if you have English and Russian apps installed, your site can present the interface in any of these languages. 

Changing the texts assigned to each key is done via Polyglot app in Studio.

All the keys can be directly edited via Polyglot, and the translations will be stored in the the database. 


  1. Go to your site Studio and login to your Operator account.

  2. Open the "Polyglot" app.

  3. Go to "Keys" page in Polyglot (/studio/polyglot.php?page=keys).

  4. Search for the text you want to edit to locate the right key.

  5. Click "Edit" button and change the texts for any of the installed languages.

  6. Save and reload the page with the text to see the result. 


Here is a quick video showing the same steps...


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