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Receiving too many notifications
You are receiving updates of all people/orgs/groups you are following. If you unfollow all of them then you will receive notifications related to your profile only, or you can leave only profiles you really want to receive notifications from. You can unfollow on this page:Account > Dash > find the "following" link under your profile thumbnail: or go to this direct link: Then click delete (x) near every profile you want to unfollow in "Following" block. Please note, if you befriend someone, then you are automatically follow their profile activity.
How to change categories in content apps?
Question: How do I change names of categories in Polls, Posts, Albums, Articles, etc.?    Editing data items in UNA forms. UNA platform and UNA Apps feature various forms, which have fields pre-populated with data items. For example, Polls app has "Categories" field, with default options like "Pets", "Health & Beauty", etc. Lists like these are called "Data Lists".    Some data lists are meant to be changed when you are setting up your community. You can easily do so via Forms app in Studio.     Go to your site Studio and login to your Operator account. Open the "Forms" app. Go to "Data Lists" page in Forms. Find the list you want to edit or rearrange. Click the list and edi
How to change texts in user interface?
Question: I am trying to change the text which is appearing on the cover can you let me know how to do this please?    "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."     Changing texts in UNA user interface. UNA is multilingual. Therefore, all interface texts are using so called "language keys", which in turn use installed UNA Language Apps. So, for example, if you have English and Russian apps installed, your site can present the interface in any of these languages.  Changing the texts assigned to each key is done via Polyglot app in Studio. All the keys can be directly edited via Polyglot, and the translations will be stored in the the
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  •  ·  UNA Inc
The easiest way to launch and maintain a UNA-powered website is to us the UNA Cloud hosting. It supports instant deployment, automatic updates, and backups. Should you want to set up UNA on your own hosting, please follow the following steps: STEP 1 - Download Download the latest UNA package “.zip” archive and unzip the package, unless your computer does that automatically. STEP 2 - Upload to Hosting Server Upload the downloaded and unpacked UNA folder to your hosting server. You would need to use an “ftp client” software (like, say, Transmit, Cyberduck, WinSCP or FileZilla) to upload files via FTP. If you don’t know your hosting server address, username and password, ask your hosting provid
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  •  ·  UNA Inc
Continuous integration. Define problems early. Check in frequently. Don’t check in broken code. Don’t check in untested code. Don’t check in when the build is broken. Fix the issue at the earliest opportunity. Continue to continually integrate, test, integrate, test, integrate... DevOps Culture. Provide support for what you build. Test what you are doing. Fix what you have done wrong. Developers participate in forums and direct customer support; test their code and document everything.  Mobile-friendly UI. All pages, blocks, menus and texts should be fully responsive, tap-friendly and designed for small screens as a priority. UNA-powered websites should look and work as a hybrid web-app. Ful
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  •  ·  UNA Inc
Studio Configuration and customisation system for a UNA-powered site. The Studio is a part of UNA installation, accessible by site Operator. Operator The site owner. The one who has full control over the website configuration, settings and apps. Administrator Higher user-level, assigned and controlled by Operator. Administrators manage content, profiles, media, remove spam and manage the community. Moderator Same as Administrator, but with fewer allowed actions and tighter permissions. An Operator decides controls what Moderators can do. An Administrator may be allowed to appoint and revoke Moderator status. UNA Apps All UNA components seen in Studio are called UNA Apps. UNA Apps can be modu
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  •  ·  UNA Inc
What is UNA.The name UNA stands for UNA Networking Applications. It is not just one thing or one application. UNA is a combination of various web applications, databases, server apps and supporting ecosystem, which together enable you to create a community website.An online community powered by UNA can work as a social network, business collaboration hub or any kind of multi-user system with various memberships, roles, content types and permissions defining the rules of the community operation.While inherently designed as a multi-user community platform, UNA can be used as a conventional CMS or blogging platform with a focus on content publishing. The full potential, however, lies in network
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