Verified Members

Verify your #persons profiles and #organizations profiles, make your website more attractive for existing users and for new users.

#VerifiedMembers module let your users upload selfie photos or video displaying the verification code so you know they are real.

Organizations verification need to send you all the documents (in image format) that accredits them as owner of that organization, the website's admin can change the text displayed in there to request something more specific or request anything else.

Admin and moderators can approve or reject the verification from a person / organization.

When they are approved, they get a notification.

When they are rejected, they get a notification and send them to try again.

Verified persons and organizations are trusted by other members and your social network / dating website become more interesting.

Features included in this module:

  • Photo support.
  • Video support.
  • Admin can change the badges and mini badges.
  • Different badges for organizations and persons. Default badges for persons is blue, for organizations is red.
  • Admin can enable / disable this feature from persons module and organizations module, this is useful as sometimes website owners need persons verified profiles only or organizations only.

Watch the module in this Demo website 

Do you need any extra feature or have any question?

Click here to send a private message. Feel free to ask anything regarding this module.





Version 1.1.2 - January 09, 2023

  • Compatibility with UNA RC1

Version 1.1.1 - Jun 27, 2022

  • Compatibility with latest UNA 13 Update
  • Fixed: Missing images and videos. Old images and videos that were hidden, can be seen now by the admin.
  • Fixed database error
  • Minor bugfixes

Version 1.1.0 - July 19, 2021

  • New feature: Rejection reason 
  • Admin needs to add a text explaining to the user why the verification was rejected.
  • This text is displayed before the upload form so they can read it and submit the correct photos and apply for another chance to get verified.
  • New button Added "Continue to my profile". 
  • When someone upload their photos and click on submit button, it will show up a new button below the status text, when they click this button they get redirected to their profile. This is useful for new users, some of them were confused and they didn't know what to do next after submitting the form, with this button now they know everything is set and ready to be verified, they can safely navigate to another page.

Version 1.0.2 - February 18, 2021

  • UNA 12 compatible.
  • Improved badge display in Timeline.
  • Bugfix: It was displaying wrong verified badge in some pages.
  • Added counter of pending verification in admin's dashboard button.

Version 1.0.1 - Jun 10, 2020

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