Comment to 'Video posted not working'
  • I have investigate some more with browser's (Chrome) Developer Tools and I found that a part where video source is declared is missing:

    - production una site:

     <div class="plyr__video-wrapper">
    <video id="BxPlyr331941208" controlslist="nodownload" preload="auto" autobuffer="" class="bx-player-plyr bx-player-plyr-standard" poster="https://url-to-una/s/bx_timeline_videos_processed/mt5hckyrgp9mjah87teep2vssrwcrkvt.jpg">
    HERE IS A MISSING PART, SEE BELOW (test-una site)

    - test-una site:

    <div class="plyr__video-wrapper">
    <video id="BxPlyr1338879303" controlslist="nodownload" preload="auto" autobuffer="" class="bx-player-plyr bx-player-plyr-standard" poster="https://url-to-una-TRST/s/bx_timeline_videos_processed/s2s2irwb8hrw5zvjrqrcy72rcmvvbkc2.jpg">    
    <source type="video/mp4" src="https://url-to-una-TEST/s/bx_timeline_videos_processed/s7jdvkdg8efgzr4qyqxjdqfcebrhz8mt.mp4" size="480">

    So, somehow the "source" part is missing that is why video can not play. Why the source part is missing - well that is a mystery to me....

    • this is definitely weird.  i think an important question as well is, why does ffmpeg not get called in the way that it embeds the jpg in the mp4? because.. well, it does that, it's a feature of ffmpeg.  i'm  not going to put the command, but its part of the map function.   m4a, mp4 and mp3 files and others all support embedding jpgs.  

      • Mayki videos did not work on my site until i installed the developer module and changed videos from sd to hd, and well a bunch of other stufff too, but perhaps theres something broken in which version of the video its looking for going on here.. i am only guessing, but have you tried going in and either cp'ing out the video example here, or running your systemwide ffprobe binary against it to see its parameters?