Comment to 'Photo title not mandatory'
  • This requires a source code edit to the ghost uploader file (forget the actual name of this file) where you would add "required" within the input HTML tag. If I can remember or if a dev can respond with the correct file before me, I will provide details.

    Do note though, this requires FTP access to your files, if you're on UNA Cloud, you might be out of luck with this one.

    • Hello @LoneTreeLeaf

      I think this is a bit ought. If it can be done for video upload Form I believe it can be done for photo upload Form too. Not to mention that it was like that in previous versions of UNA....

      • How it's done on the video upload form is very different. If it was different for photos on a previous UNA version, they scraped that idea and had a hard-coded input for uploaded photos within the Photo application, the input HTML tag is hard-coded for that title, it's not something selectable within Studio, therefore, you may not have custom settings for that field.

        It's a bummer I know, welcome to the inner-thoughts of "UNA Dev", you'll just have to conform to it.