Photo title not mandatory


when users are adding photos on the site the field right under the uploaded photo is not marked as mandatory so many photos are uploaded without Title and all later actions (likes, comments and so on) are useless because of that fact that photo is without name. The notification about coment on the titless photo looks like: Someone commented photo " nothing between here " .....

So I think that the Form for uploading Photo should have "Title field" set as mandatory and by that not allowing users to upload photos without giving it a Title

The Form for adding photos should be like it is the Form for Edit photo .....

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Replies (10)
    • This requires a source code edit to the ghost uploader file (forget the actual name of this file) where you would add "required" within the input HTML tag. If I can remember or if a dev can respond with the correct file before me, I will provide details.

      Do note though, this requires FTP access to your files, if you're on UNA Cloud, you might be out of luck with this one.

      • Hello @LoneTreeLeaf

        I think this is a bit ought. If it can be done for video upload Form I believe it can be done for photo upload Form too. Not to mention that it was like that in previous versions of UNA....

        • How it's done on the video upload form is very different. If it was different for photos on a previous UNA version, they scraped that idea and had a hard-coded input for uploaded photos within the Photo application, the input HTML tag is hard-coded for that title, it's not something selectable within Studio, therefore, you may not have custom settings for that field.

          It's a bummer I know, welcome to the inner-thoughts of "UNA Dev", you'll just have to conform to it.

          • File to Edit: modules/boonex/photos/template/form_ghost_template_upload.html

            On line 19.


            <input placeholder="<bx_text:_bx_photos_form_entry_input_title />" class="bx-def-font-inputs bx-form-input-text block w-full py-2 px-3 border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-700 rounded-md shadow-sm bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 placeholder-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:placeholder-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:text-gray-900 dark:focus:text-gray-100 focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-opacity-70 focus:ring-opacity-20 focus:border-blue-500 text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300 appearance-none" type="text" value="" name="title-{file_id}" />


            <input placeholder="<bx_text:_bx_photos_form_entry_input_title />" class="bx-def-font-inputs bx-form-input-text block w-full py-2 px-3 border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-700 rounded-md shadow-sm bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 placeholder-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:placeholder-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:text-gray-900 dark:focus:text-gray-100 focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-opacity-70 focus:ring-opacity-20 focus:border-blue-500 text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300 appearance-none" type="text" value="" name="title-{file_id}" required />

            This will make those Title inputs required.

            Trust me, I know the pain you feel when it comes to UNA when hearing this news, but if you just take a look at how the Photo app is setup from within Studio within the "Forms" application, you will realized, how disconnected the Photos module is, it looks like an 8th graders passion project, creating features and not 100% bridging them together.

            They don't supply the Title field upon upload, but have it for the edit/view forms, come on now...

            I'm sure if a real developer came along implemented the code for them to have a simple checkbox in the Photos Settings application within studio that would add/remove the "required" portion of that code, they will add it in, but we're asking for a lot here.

            Sorry UNA devs, there's no "just add CSS" fix here.

            • I agree @LoneTreeLeaf , I agree 100%. UNA is meant to be community platform, right? So adding photos to the page is one of it's most used feature but it is so clumsy.... Administrator should have an option from within Studio to select fields like Title, Description, Location, Labels, Category, Keywords.... by enable/disable them and set those fields as required/not required....

              I hope the UNA Team will do some rethinking and re-coding of the Photos module. No one wants to upload photos and then edit the uploaded photos later when they are already on the site. I strongly believe that all the data about the photos which are to be uploaded to the site should have been entered upon upload process and not later as Edit option.....

              • @LoneTreeLeaf - I have changed line 19 as you described above but photos can still be uploaded without Title 😰

                • Curious, this modification is working in my end. You may need to clear the sites cache from studio.

                  • Yes @LoneTreeLeaf after clearing the cache it is working

                    • Good to hear, enjoy the tweak! :)

                      • Thank you... I need to remember it... I believe it will be overriten at every update... Or, let's hope, UNA Team will include it as update since it is very good feature. Naming photo before uploading it to the site is a must!

                        Thansk again for your help @LoneTreeLeaf

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