Plyr: DOM security errors

I was getting a DOM security error in multiple places and couldn't figure it out. However, I just did.

If I disable Plyr module all of these errors go away.

In a group with 20 videos in timeline, I was getting 20 DOM security exceptions.

Plyr is nice. Why is this happening?

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Replies (9)
    • @Anton L @LeonidS unacms .com has same issues with Plyr.


      For every video on a page a DOM exception is thrown. Please fix. 🙏

      • Bump

        • 👀

          • Issue tracker or fix?

            • I'm very resilient. Issue and tracker for this bug?

              • Wow, a security issue and the dev has been unresponsive. @Alex T⚜️, @Andrey Yasko, @Mark Purser, @Alexey I think it's about time you suspend yourselves from UNA until these issues are resolved.

                • I think this is normal 3rd party browser warnings/errors. It's possible UNA could do something, however, it's also possible that this is the future. What I mean is, more and more browsers (especially my favorite, Brave) block 3rd party embeds, scripts, css, etc. Then you will see warnings and errors in your dev console. It happens on my WordPress sites with YouTube embeds. But, I know the YouTube embeds are safe so I ignore it, for now.

                  • You are incorrect. As a web developer for 20+ years, and not a script kiddie, having DOM security errors is an ISSUE.

                    UNA released Plyr. Therefore this needs fixed by them. I am not spending my time figuring out UNA errors.

                    If a browser throws an error, something is wrong. I've reported, no issue tracker.

                    • I don't think I'm 100% incorrect, just misunderstood. I didn't want someone like me to come here, read this thread, and think there was a huge security issue with UNA. I think this typically occurs when trying to access or manipulate the CSS rules of a stylesheet that originates from a different domain. Seems like an easy fix for the UNA devs (hopefully). 🤞

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