Profile Cards

Can you figure out what is wrong with this?


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Style C1 and Style C4 looks exact same. Perhaps, one of them supposedly square avatar?!

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Replies (5)
    • Hello,
      Yes, it was supposed to be square. Fixed now in version 1.1.7. The update is available already.

      • "The module also provides an extended support for meta menu on profile cards. For example it is possible to create a "Message" button with an onclick handler
        on a profile card which will be opening the Messenger page with a member (no need to visit profile first in order to click the "Message" button)."

        Ok, cool. So, how do we do this?

        • Just add a custom item for the persons snippet meta menu (studio -> navigation -> persons -> snippet meta] or direct link and add a custom item with
          Title = Message
          OnClick = window.location.href=sUrlRoot+'page/messenger?profile_id={profile_id}';

          • and for the email:

            Title = Email

            OnClick = window.location.href=sUrlRoot+'page.php?i=start-convo&profiles={profile_id}';


            Thank you, it's great!

            • How do I add a display of another piece of metadata from a field?
              I have a Country of residency in: /studio/builder_forms.php?page=pre_values&list=Country
              I got this far:

              but the new meta form not letting me select a field.

              There should be an easy method to add such data from the list.
              Help! :)

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