sharpest splash images
My home page splash image(s) seem to lose some of their sharpness. Should I have saved them at 72 or 96 resolution? Or is 150 better for the bigger more modern hi-res screens?
Can you think of anything else? I know there is a lot of magic going on behind the scenes as UNA converts images for different purposes.
Perhaps I have uploaded them too small to begin with and they are being stretched. What is the default, optimum width?
Thank you.
Uploading too small can certainly be a cause.
Andrey Yasko
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80+ compression if it's a jpg/jpeg.
WebP is preferable, but still go 80+.
Depending on the type of image you may want to ensure that your upload at least @2 resolution when you upload the original. UNA will transcode to @1 for standard screens and @2 for hi-res. A raster image with @1 resolution will look bad on hi-res screen.
Andrey Yasko
My home page pictures are not directly uploaded into UNA. They are randomly sent banner images from a perl script. Can you offer any further advice as to their optimum resolution and size?
Looking at your two pages House Church Network and Simple Church Network, I would be inclined to increase the 'banner' heights, to give them more of a 'Hero Image' feel to the pages.
Mine are at 80, but 60 could work.
Travel-Write - Travel Writers Writing About Travel on Travel Notes
Thank you, caring friend, for chiming in. Your background in site design and high-end photography is most appreciated.