Start Guide - Help Needed

We are working on the Start Guide now, and the current iteration is available here - UNA Start Guide.

As you may see the content is only just being added, but the general outline of what will be included is already there, in the menu blocks. 

Now, the Start Guide is not meant to be a comprehensive Documentation repository. For that, we have UNA Documentation Wiki on GitHub.  Instead, the Start Guide gives a very brief overview of the steps that a webmaster needs to consider at the before and during the initial site launch, including links to relevant documentation articles, discussions, tutorials, etc. 

So, we ask anyone willing to help to send us their content for this guide - we will review and add all relevant contributions. 

Another way to help is to suggest any new steps or topics that you feel must be present in the guide like this.

Please, leave your feedback and contributions in the comments below. We plan to make this guide awesome and gradually enrich it with videos, screenshots, gifs, etc.

After the Start Guide, we plan to create an Operator Guide (for managing and adjusting a live site), Developer Guide for all development resources and tips, User Guide for end-users and a Business Guide for site owners, marketers and decision makers.    

The Start Guide is the main priority as we are preparing for inflow of newcomers when Boonex landing pages start active promotion of the UNA platform. 

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Replies (8)
    • Then where can I send my content for review. Actually I'm waiting for operator guide, developer guide and business guide. So I need to you help you about start guide to make it faster.😀😀😀

      • Hi Amitesh Kumar  you can just post any content directly into the comments below - or alternatively Message Andrew and/or myself via Messenger app

          • Not sure if this would be more for the Start Guide, Business Guide, or whatever but, here are my tips on something to consider before you start.

            The Birth of a Website:

            Before creating your UNA website, it's best to have a well thought-out plan that will achieve your overall goal before you even get started. With tons of 'social media' websites available today, it can be difficult to have a successful and active website. Don't try to be a 'Me Too' site which is more or less, a clone of some other giant website. Your site needs to be it's own unique idea with a specific purpose and audience. Below are a few pointers to help you get started in making your idea become a reality. 

            First, ask yourself this simple but very important question: 'Why should people join your website?' This question is a very difficult one to answer but, the answer will help you plan, create, and implement your website. 

            • When registering a domain URL, keep it relevant to your website's purpose. Try to stay away from really long URLs and if possible, always try to get the .com domain.
            • Make sure that you choose a Web Hosting package that will be sufficient to what your website needs. It doesn't hurt to get a little 'extra' for growth if you can afford it. 
            • Only install the apps/features you need to achieve your site's main purpose. Having too many features can cause confusion and/or drive members away from coming back.
            • Keep the navigation, design, and layout user friendly and to the point. Most social media users want to perform the task they want quickly after logging in. The more 'clicks' and pages the member has to go through to perform the function they want, the more likely they are to get frustrated. 
            • Have a targeted audience in mind that you want to promote your site to that fits your agenda. Invite others to join your website via your own social media accounts and/or email. One of the best way to get new members is to have others recommend it - 'Word of Mouth'. Not only is it free, but people are more likely to join your website from others they know so, don't be afraid to ask your current members to help advertise for you. 
            • Whether you choose to create a FAQ, Help, or Discussion post, make sure you have some place where members can go for assistance in using your website. 
            • Interact with your members and encourage them to interact with each other. They really do like to know you are there. 
            • Try to refrain from 'out posting' your members. When visitors come to your website with the thought of joining, the last thing you want is for them to see that 'You' are the only one posting any content (unless that is your purpose). 

            Just some additional info while I am at it:

            If you take a look at the 2 most successful social media sites (Twitter/Facebook), they have a 'primary focus' on what they want their users to do. For them, it's to post comments and/or media to a Timeline/Feed. When you login to one of these sites, you land at the page where their primary focus is. That is called the 'In Your Face' technique. You are at the spot where you need to be in order to use the site. 

            That is what you need to do as well. Of course, it's best to design the Homepage as your primary focus but if needed, add a redirect so that the user ends up where YOU want them to be after logging in. The easier you make you site to use, the more likely they will continue to use it.   

            Attempting to have a successful website that is based on user-driven content can be quite the task. Hopefully these tips above will help establish your site and make it become exactly what you were looking for. Best of luck to you!

            • Very good! Thank you Chris — we will add it to the Start Guide, perhaps as part of the new section called Tips.

              • I would like to know about marketing social networks. Something other than putting ads out and paying for clicks.

                • "Whether you choose to create a FAQ, Help, or Discussion post, make sure you have some place where members can go for assistance in using your website."

                  An FAQ page would be very useful and in Dolphin it already came with an FAQ page to show users how to use the site. For example, the average user might not understand the concept of Channels or Spaces.

                  • On this subject, the Glossary module does the job perfectly, just rename the term by FAQ, it is then easy to search for anything like information and to display the tips or as you want.

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