Suggest metrics for Analytics Charts, please.

We will release a comprehensive update to the Charts app soon. Please, let us know what KPIs would you like to observe as a site admin? What charts, reports, graphs would you like to have? Go crazy!

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Replies (4)
    • It is already complete, but something that is always interesting to know is how many members delete their accounts and if possible make distinction between deleted by members and deleted by admin.

      • What about something like Matomo (formerly Piwik) integration? That way I can see everything about my members. That might make a good app.

        • Firstly I will suggest a chart to show Growth or Sign-ups (Profiles) by Country or GeoLocation for international projects.

          Secondly a chart based on Demographics to enable managers develop better content.

          • It would also be a good thing to have a more global view of the situation, I find that the view in the dash for both core graph, yes, but it is not a good thing for the app chart it should have his own page as he displays a lot of information on his own.

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