Where do I find a list of available placeholders used in Polyglott Keys?

Hi folks,

does such a list even exist?

I try to individualize my automatic system e-mails in e-mail template (using Polyglott). For example, I would like to include my site logo. Since there are placeholders called "site_url" and "site_name" in auto-generated e-mails to users, I think, there's propably also a placeholder called "site_logo", exchanged with the logo from website template settings (I use Protean). Am I right? Is there a complete list of such placeholders somewhere around? I tried to find info using search here on una.io, but didn't find the right thing.

Any hint welcome.



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Replies (13)
    • Hello @thomlin !

      You may see the default set in the inc/classes/BxDolEmailTemplates.php file, __construct method.

      • Thank you, @LeonidS , but I did not find what I'm looking for in BxDolEmailTemplates.php file, __construct method, as you advised. Here an example from the "Event join request Template" what I am searching for:


        <p>New request to join <a href="{EntryUrl}">{EntryTitle}</a> event from <a href="{NewMemberUrl}">{NewMemberDisplayName}</a></p>


        Is there a list of all substitute placeholders like {EntryUrl}, {EntryTitle}, etc.?

        • Do you mean different email templates for different apps/mods from the site? Like if you invite me to join an event that you created on your site? You want to customize it to your liking?

          • To change these?image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=126&dpx=1&t=1644277447

            • If that's what your looking for then go to studio>Polyglot>on the left you will see 4 items>choose emails

              • Thanks, Will, but that's not what I meant. When you go into editing of those template messages you'll find many of those placeholders in curved brackets, which get substituted by actual values, when the e-mail is sent by the smtp mailer. I gave some examples in my reply above, like {NewMemberUrl}, {site_name}, and many more. Just wanted to know, if there is a list of those and especially, if there is also a placeholder for the site_logo.

                • On the key for site logo, I don't know if one exists or not; if it doesn't exist, you could create it. As for a list of the keys, unfortunately, there is no manual for UNA; just like there wasn't a manual for Dolphin. You will have to compile your own list of what keys are available. Most are self explanatory. Get a programme that will allow you to search files; a popular one for windows is Notepad++.

                  • From what i know, you will have to go to polyglot>emails>choose template you want>then on far right click pencilimage_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=127&dpx=1&t=1644280316


                    • You can include logo or anything you may like, by adding html code in "Email header" template by going to "polyglot>Email Template".

                      • Thank you, Umesh. This is a very old post of mine. At that time I thought that the Logo may have its own term for automatic replacement, like many other elements have. And I thought that maybe there's a list of all those elements in curved brackets, that can be used to replace it by actual content. I don't think that such a list even exists. Maybe, @Andrey Yasko can add it to the list of documentation.

                        • Got that.. Cheers!!

                          • UPDATEL: for now, the most number of that variables is placed in the parseContent method of the BxDolEmailTemplate.php class. The email header and footer keys have the following syntax:

                            'email_header' => getParam('site_email_html_template_header'),

                            'email_footer' => getParam('site_email_html_template_footer'),

                            it means the header /footer form the Polyglot section.

                            • Also hoping for documentation on all available variables! And that there is one for the membership level description. It would be so great to be able to insert that into the "Your membership has been updated to _" email.

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