Where do I find a list of available placeholders used in Polyglott Keys?

Hi folks,

does such a list even exist?

I try to individualize my automatic system e-mails in e-mail template (using Polyglott). For example, I would like to include my site logo. Since there are placeholders called "site_url" and "site_name" in auto-generated e-mails to users, I think, there's propably also a placeholder called "site_logo", exchanged with the logo from website template settings (I use Protean). Am I right? Is there a complete list of such placeholders somewhere around? I tried to find info using search here on una.io, but didn't find the right thing.

Any hint welcome.



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Replies (12)
    • Hello @thomlin !

      You may see the default set in the inc/classes/BxDolEmailTemplates.php file, __construct method.

      • Thank you, @LeonidS , but I did not find what I'm looking for in BxDolEmailTemplates.php file, __construct method, as you advised. Here an example from the "Event join request Template" what I am searching for:


        <p>New request to join <a href="{EntryUrl}">{EntryTitle}</a> event from <a href="{NewMemberUrl}">{NewMemberDisplayName}</a></p>


        Is there a list of all substitute placeholders like {EntryUrl}, {EntryTitle}, etc.?

        • Do you mean different email templates for different apps/mods from the site? Like if you invite me to join an event that you created on your site? You want to customize it to your liking?

          • To change these?image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=126&dpx=1&t=1644277447

            • If that's what your looking for then go to studio>Polyglot>on the left you will see 4 items>choose emails

              • Thanks, Will, but that's not what I meant. When you go into editing of those template messages you'll find many of those placeholders in curved brackets, which get substituted by actual values, when the e-mail is sent by the smtp mailer. I gave some examples in my reply above, like {NewMemberUrl}, {site_name}, and many more. Just wanted to know, if there is a list of those and especially, if there is also a placeholder for the site_logo.

                • On the key for site logo, I don't know if one exists or not; if it doesn't exist, you could create it. As for a list of the keys, unfortunately, there is no manual for UNA; just like there wasn't a manual for Dolphin. You will have to compile your own list of what keys are available. Most are self explanatory. Get a programme that will allow you to search files; a popular one for windows is Notepad++.

                  • From what i know, you will have to go to polyglot>emails>choose template you want>then on far right click pencilimage_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=127&dpx=1&t=1644280316


                    • You can include logo or anything you may like, by adding html code in "Email header" template by going to "polyglot>Email Template".

                      • Thank you, Umesh. This is a very old post of mine. At that time I thought that the Logo may have its own term for automatic replacement, like many other elements have. And I thought that maybe there's a list of all those elements in curved brackets, that can be used to replace it by actual content. I don't think that such a list even exists. Maybe, @Andrey Yasko can add it to the list of documentation.

                        • Got that.. Cheers!!

                          • UPDATEL: for now, the most number of that variables is placed in the parseContent method of the BxDolEmailTemplate.php class. The email header and footer keys have the following syntax:

                            'email_header' => getParam('site_email_html_template_header'),

                            'email_footer' => getParam('site_email_html_template_footer'),

                            it means the header /footer form the Polyglot section.

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