Added a discussion


almost a year since I updated my long-running Dolphin to a UNA page. It didn't well all smooth but however, the community is like 15k members but since the change to UNA I have 99% german (speaking) members logged in. It seems since Dolphin was replaced the rest of world and especially US members are completely left out and seems to never log in anymore.

I've tested with some browser and language but I am not sure. Does change UNA to english when one visit with an english preferences browser? The change of language in the lower bar is hardly noticeable. Has anyone put it somewhere else? Any input would be welcome, maybe I am not the only one with that....

  • 1887
    • Studio>Polyglot>Settings

      Default Language: Set whichever you want

      Australia, England, United States will see English.

      Germany will see German

      Russia will see Russian

      Canada, France will see French

      If Poland, Spain, or other country... will see their Language, if not then whichever you chose will be Default.

      You're right, most people don't look at footer or easily overlooked. Great idea and thank you! I have just added Language to the top and can confirm it's working.

      Studio>Navigation>Items>System>Toolbar Member

      Add New Item

      System Name: Language

      Title: Language

      Submenu: Language Switcher (either inline or popup)

      Show submenu in popup: On (green)


      • When disable Language in Footer and enabled Language in Toolbar Member... flag icons disappear.

        • Hello Kit Cloudkicker !

          May you please specify your example with Toolbar Member? It needs to repeat your actions to check.

            • Ah, yes, Kit Cloudkicker . But in this case you may add the icon there - own picture or set the style as

              flag-icon flag-icon-gb

              • Why would we want to set a style if we have multi-language?



                • He's right, I tried importing the element, but the icon doesn't follow. So in fact Leonid, the problem is that the flag you have chosen does not display as it does in the footer. Even if you empty the title. So I think we should choose an icon that symbolizes all languages, not a particular language.

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