Added a discussion

If BOONEX wants Dolphin and UNA to be liked by many people, I recommend not trying to design a template for BOONEX Only ! Because the number of new templates is too few, even almost equal to zero...

BOONEX Should support the world's most popular template, Such as the WordPress template.

In this case, any website that uses UNA, there are countless more templates available today. Rather than going around to find a UNA-specific template that is hard to find.

  • 2492
    • I challenge you...

      Will WordPress template work in Drupal?

      Will WordPress template work in Joomla?

      Will WordPress template work in Magneto?

      Will Magneto template work in Drupal?

      Will Magneto template work in Joomla?

      Will Joomla template work in Drupal?

      Will Joomla template work in Magneto?

      Will Drupal tempalte work in Joomla?

      Will Drupal template work in Magneto?

      Will Drupal template work in WordPress?

      Will Joomla template work in WordPress?

      Will Magneto template work in WordPress?

      • Indeed, a template from one framework will not work for another. Especially with a platform like UNA, which is using its own template engine (not Symphony or similar).

        • You can have the illusion that it exists, but in this case it has the same name, the same aspect, but it is just an adaptation, it is not the same code and is not interchangeable with other cms .

          • You can have the illusion that it exists??? Oh~ maybe I have...

            You think this is "Mission: Impossible"... maybe BOONEX is thinking about the same thing... this is "Mission: Impossible" !?

            Please guess what kind of PHP system is used on this website? and what template(style) is used on this website?


            www . bnw . com . tw / conference / index.php


            I know... You don't want to know. and you don't want to take the time to guessing...

            In fact, this site is using phpBB 3.1 forum system and the template of Joomla designed by yootheme. About 10 years ago, around 2008.

            I didn't change all the phpBB pages, so some pages will see the official style of phpBB, for example...


            www . bnw . com . tw / conference / ucp.php?mode=login


            so, this is just a difficult job, but not a "Mission: Impossible" task. If BoonEx don't want to do it, I'll do it again!

            We need is a Dolphin and WordPress or Joomla bridge...

            Community site that supports Digital Camera RAW photos : insoler . com

            • Hello brentsu!

              Sorry, but without the template files, you can't be sure that both platforms use the same package. "A bridge" which was mentioned by you is exactly the same thing which Andrew and Baloo mean.

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