Deutsche Sprachversion - Noichl IT-Management
German translation Version DU
Original translation (for 54 modules)
After changing the design in another Protean style it causes a nginx error 502 ‚Bad Gateway“
- 2941
1. upgrading from Una 9 to Una 10
2. one app has versions for example 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.0
If before upgrading the app was 9.4 and now we are on Una 10.0 there is no chance to update the app anymore. Only 9.5 to 10.0 will be successful.
I think the only way for the app is now to delete it and install it completely new.
In worst case all manual settings of the app are lost.
Or have someone an idea to solve this problem without reinstalling the app?
- 2950
I have some problems with ReCaptcha on Una 10
Here ReCaptcha is wrong with missing image:
Here all is ok:
But both websites have the same parameters by settings ReCaptcha with the correct google ReCaptcha public and private keys
I don’t see any differences between the two websites. Has someone a idea where the problem is?
Before updating from Una 9 to 10 ReCaptcha was ok on both websites without any problem.
- 3119
I’ve integrated google places with the API-Key.
In the profile all is ok. But in the view now are a lot of google pointers on the site.
I’ve the problem on iPad an iPhone with Safari (another browser not tested at the moment).
You can see the effect on
Then go to orgs and then select the organization Noichl IT-Management.
The google map is there but ...
- 2061
There are some keys missing in Polyglott if there is another default language like english defined in Polyglott settings.
Then keys not translated in this language aren't listed in Polyglott anymore.
- 1996
The last days I translated UNA from english to german language.
Not so easy as I thought before... a lot of words and modules with xml-Files to change.
I use as help google translator in excel, but every word must controlled. And also the internal keys. Some are translated... not so good.
To test every changed version I need to install completely the language module new.
Not so easy over UNA Apps but I found the key with my language module in the table sys_modules.
I delete the key. And now I can install the Language over UNA App completely new.
It's a little trick.
In studio the image of my module is very small. I don't know why at the moment.
Best regards,
example see:
- 2541
Deutsche Sprachversion - Noichl IT-Management
German translation - Das Original
Folgende Module sind enthalten / The following modules are included:
1. | bx_accounts | Accounts | Konten |
2. | bx_acl | Levels | Mitgliedsstufen |
3. | bx_albums | Albums | Albums |
4. | bx_analytics | Analytics | Statistiken |
5. | bx_antispam | Antisplam | Antispam |
6. | bx_channels | Channels | Stichwörter |
7. | bx_charts | Charts | Diagramme |
8. | bx_chat_plus | Chatplus | Chatplus |
9. | bx_contact | Contact | Kontakt |
10. | bx_convos | Convos | Convos |
11. | bx_datafox | Datafox | Datafox |
12. | bx_decorous | Decorous | Decorous |
13. | bx_developer | Developer | Developer |
14. | bx_elasticsearch | Elasricsearch | Elasticsearch |
15. | bx_events | Events | Termine |
16. | bx_files | Files | Dateien |
17. | bx_fontawesome | Fontawesome | Fontawesome |
18. | bx_forum | Forum | Diskussionen |
19. | bx_froala | Froala | Froala |
20. | bx_glossary | Glossary | Lexikon |
21. | bx_google_tagmanager | Google tagmanager | Google Tagmanager |
22. | bx_groups | Groups | Gruppen |
23. | bx_intercom | Intercom | Intercom |
24. | bx_invites | Invites | Einladungen |
25. | bx_linkedin_connect | LinkedIn Connect | LinkedIn Connect |
26. | bx_lucid | Lucid | Lucid |
27. | bx_mailchimp | MailChimp | MailChimp |
28. | bx_market | Market | Marktplatz |
29. | bx_massmailer | Massmailer | Massenversender |
30. | bx_messenger | Messenger | Messenger |
31. | bx_notifikations | Notifications | Benachrichtigungen |
32. | bx_oauth2 | Oauth2 | Oauth2 |
33. | bx_organizations | Organizations | Firmenprofile |
34. | bx_payment | Payment | Bezahlwesen |
35. | bx_persons | Persons | Mitglieder |
36. | bx_photos | Photos | Bilder |
37. | bx_polls | Polls | Umfragen |
38. | bx_posts | Posts | Nachrichten |
39. | bx_profiler | Profiler | Profiler |
40. | bx_protean | Protean | Protean |
41. | bx_quoteofday | Quote of day | Zitat des Tages |
42. | bx_smtpmailer | SMTP mailer | SMTP-Mailer |
43. | bx_snipcart | Snipcart | Snipcart |
44. | bx_spaces | Spaces | Räume |
45. | bx_timeline | Timeline | Zeitleiste |
46. | bx_una_connect | Una Connect | Una Connect |
47. | bx_videos | Videos | Videos |
48. | publicchat_complete_profile | Publicchat Complete Profile | Publicchat Profilvervollständigung |
49. | system | System | System |
50. | bx_nexus | Nexus | Nexus |
51. | bx_apI | Api | Api |
52. | bx_courses | Courses | Kurse |
53. | bx_classes | Classes | Klasses |
54. | bx_tasks | Tasks | Aufgaben |