Nathan Paton

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Nathan, could you move my sites to my new server before I loose it all. I sent my details in a ticket on 4 days ago.

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Reposted Andrey Yasko's post.

UNA Documentation comes in a few different forms, for different purposes. We are still at the early (still BETA) days, and a lot of functionality is changing, so the documentation is rather raw as well. Still, there are a few really helpful articles available and more is on the way.

Most of the UNA-platform docs are at the UNA Github Repo. Anything specific to services, however, is at the Articles section (powered by Articles UNA App from AQB Soft). 

Here is the current index for the UNA platform docs (some are still "in progress"):


Getting Started






  • 1080
Reposted Andrey Yasko's post.

The second Beta of the upcoming v9 release is available for download. We are now getting very close to a feature-final package release and a wide public rollout. 

This update is easily the most important step up we have ever taken. It brings new features, new name, connects everything to the and finally introduces the new licensing policy. It's BIG big!


UNA is now distributed under MIT license. No limits, no catch. Download and use it as you will. Our pricing plans and business model, in general, is all about support. 

UNA Apps Market

The UNA acronym stands for United Networking Applications. All plugins, modules, integration, templates and languages are treated as "Una Apps". All the downloadable UNA Apps are now distributed via UNA Apps Market, which can be accessed from within your UNA-powered site Studio configuration system. Apps installation and updating process is automated.

Developers can now start building UNA Apps and submit them to the Market for review. We plan to launch full Market functionality in 2-3 weeks. All Apps will be pre-moderated and payments will go through, with 80/20 revenue sharing. More details will be announced along with the Market update.

UNA v9 Beta 2


Core Enhancements

  • Auto-complete for location field to make sure correct address is used
  • Stripe payment provider integration for one-time and recurring payments. Now supporting Stripe, Chargebee and PayPal. 
  • The new base template called "Protean", featuring Styles - UI customisation settings.
  • Code injection interface for all those "paste this code..." for header and body sections of pages.
  • Studio storage interface
  • Individual "Page Covers" support for every page

New Apps

  • Events
  • Discussions (Forum)
  • Google Connect
  • LinkedIn Connect
  • Twitter Connect
  • DataFox (integration)
  • Intercom (integration)
  • Mailchimp (integration)

All apps are currently available for free download and use, all under MIT license. Some apps will be marked as "Premium" later on, and will be listed for a small monthly fee. You only need to pay the fee to be able to access automatic apps updates and direct support for them. 


You only need to download the package if you plan to perform a fresh installation. If you are on a service plan with us, don't worry about it - we will arrange the update for you. 


Update from v9b1 to v9b2

If you have 9.0.0-B1 version and it was upgraded from Trident 8 then execute the following SQL query to correct the version number in the database:

UPDATE `sys_modules` SET `version` = '9.0.0-B1' WHERE `version` = '9.0.0.B1' AND `name` = 'system';

Also make sure that your site is updating to Beta branch, ensure that you have the following line in inc/classes/BxDolUpgrader.php file:

protected $_sUrlVersionCheck = '';


NOTE 1: New key&secret is needed before running upgrade, get new one here

NOTE 2: Site will be not working after core files update, so wait a minute while modules are updated

NOTE 3: If new modules aren't installing - logout from the studio and login again

NOTE 4: For some new functionality Google Maps API key is needed (Studio > Settings > General > Google Maps API key). Instructions for setting up Google Maps key (Getting started section).

If you're running Trident v8 still it may be worth waiting for final release of UNA v9 to perform an update.


Rough Times

A lot is happening at once. In the software world, it means that things can go wrong. We did out best to prepare for this day (took us 5 years so far), but we know that a major feature update, Marketplace release, licensing restructuring and support site launch happening all at once is not a trivial matter. We will be iterating, informing, updating, helping and answering questions A LOT over the next few weeks. Stay tuned and you won't regret. It is the very beginning of a great journey and we truly appreciate your company.


Thank you!

  • 970
Reposted Andrey Yasko's post.

Our mission is Unity

We enable cooperation, connectedness, communication and harmony.

Our values are T.H.I.N.K


Our products are real, words are sincere, and intentions are genuine. We are open, candid and brave.


Our actions are useful, practical and supportive. Our products help to solve problems and remove pains.


We promote ambition, passion and commitment. We lead to success and inspire constant progress.


We cultivate pure, simple solutions, focusing on what is essential in every decision, word and product.


We are considerate, generous, friendly and caring. We support goodwill and compassion.


What it means and how it works

This manifesto is a guiding principle for everything we do. When we face a decision or receive a question, we always mentally connect with this manifesto and apply it. For example...

  • When we make a change in the platform, we do it only if it contributes to the mission, is necessary and helps our customers and end-users. Superficial features and modifications motivated by profit maximisation are evil. 
  • We may be charging a monthly support fee, but our goal is to bring every project to production as quickly as possible and minimise the need for support. We are not lawyers, and we mustn't keep customers in court for as long as they can pay. 
  • If we announce something, we just inform and educate about it. Lengthy marketing pitches and false promises are neither true nor necessary. 
  • We reflect on our failures openly and ask for help when we need it. We are not perfect, and we do make mistakes. As long as we keep admitting and addressing issues, we shall progress.
  • If we have to recommend our product over a competitor, we consider the differences and choose the objective winner. Even if it's not us. Then come back and iterate until we can offer a genuinely better solution. 
  • Some features are nice to have, but they make little real difference. They also slow things down and bloat the UI. We only implement what is crucial for the use-case and leave the rest for custom builds and 3rd-party apps.
  • We create long-term relationships with all customers and community members. Some may be harsh, others may be extremely supportive. We must learn from critique and acknowledge contributions. 
  • If a customer project is not progressing, we don't just sit and wait. We encourage change and improvement, working with everyone involved towards real growth. 
  • Projects that are evil and unkind belong to elsewhere, no matter what's the budget.
  • We eat what we cook. Our site is powered by our UNA and we use UNA apps whenever possible. We build our personal sites based on UNA; we stay in line for support and pay the bill like any other customer would.
  • 980