Hi there,
Is documentation as to the steps that a user and an administrator go through to facilitate a withdrawal of credits. I think purchasing credits and using them seems pretty straightforward. Very confused about the the withdrawal process. User clicks withdrawal request and makes request. Email gets sent. But where is the management and approval? Can admin not be in middle of approval? And does it go back to users' paypal account? How does withdrawal actually happen?
- 1986
Is it possible in the administrative UI to dissociate (or associate) a content types from one another. For example, I would like to not have ads associated with events. It makes the list entirely too long in a site with hundreds or thousands of events.
- 2152
Hi UNA team,
I just wanted to say thank you for the work you've done in building this product over the years. I'm generally very pleased and impressed after using for the last month.
Thank you and stay well in the pandemic.