Pretty Links

Compatible with UNA 12, UNA 13 and over, please make sure you have at least UNA 12 before buying this module.

Generate pretty links from all Modules and all Content.

This Module is compatible with all third party Modules, all CoreApps and

This is the best improvement needed for SEO on all UNA websites, dating websites and social networks.

Demo of album:

Demo of timeline:

  • Version 1.0.14: November 23, 2021
  • Compatibility with UNA 13 added
  • Fixed error in timeline with wrong links on comment replies
  • Fixed random error 500 on page load on latest UNA versions
  • Version 1.0.13: September 25, 2021
  • PHP 8 Fully compatible
  • Several minor bugfixes
  • Version 1.0.12: August 1, 2021
  • Fixed wrong links in latest UNA version when somebody was adding comments to content or updates.
  • Version 1.0.11: March 17, 2021
  • Improved speed on page load.
  • Bugfix: Fixed "Following" and "Followers" Links.
  • Bugfix: Fixed all Links that contains a "#" in it.
  • Bugfix: Cleaned duplicated values from database.
  • Buffix: Fixed Admin Objects Grid, now all rows has an "Edit" button.
  • Version 1.0.10: March 15, 2021
  • Bugfix: Bugfix for Nginx Servers in permalinks.
  • Version 1.0.9: March 14, 2021
  • Bugfix: Error 500 fixed for some non standard PHP installations (Private servers with no cPanel)
  • Version 1.0.8: March 14, 2021
  • Bugfix: Pretty link in Timeline menu: "Share -> Send to Friend" is now fixed.
  • Bugfix: Some links where broken when using Russian in Posts and Forum titles, they are now supported.
  • Cyrillic support (Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Czech, Kazakh, Kirghiz, and Macedonian), Japanese, Chinese, etc.
  • Version 1.0.7: February 07, 2021
  • Improved compatibility with UNA 12.
  • Bugfix: Pagination for all pages and modules is fixed
  • Bugfix: When going to deleted content (no longer existing content), the module was having an "Notice". This is now solved.
  • Several minor bugfixes.
  • If you still have any issue, please report it to our messenger and provide any detail on how to reproduce the issue, if you can share screenshots and error logs that would help us to fix anything faster.
  • Version 1.0.6: November 05, 2020
  • Bugfix: In some servers, some links were displaying incorrect content because of the case non-sensitive from the database. In this update now all links display the correct data.
  • Special thanks to InPage for reporting this bug and sending the detailed information that lead us to find the issue and fix it properly.
  • Version 1.0.5
  • Bugfix: Error 500 on UNA Cloud servers, when this module was installed in servers with missing php-intl extension, this module was giving error 500. This is now fixed, if the extension is missing the links will replace the titles in the pretty link with a "-" instead. If you are hosted on UNA Cloud or see this kind of behavior on your server, please install and enable php-intl extension or contact me with a private message.
  • Bugfix: Profile page was displaying duplicated on some servers when Usernames module was installed before Pretty Links module.
  • Bugfix: Some links whose title was blank, the links were giving error 404, this was fixed, now it displays the correct page.
  • Version 1.0.4
  • Compatibility with usernames module was improved.
  • Version 1.0.3
  • Bugfix. A minor bug found when usernames is not installed.
  • Version 1.0.2
  • Bugfix in studio.
  • Version 1.0.1 
  • Fixed compatibility with timeline.
  • Version 1.0.0
  • First version.

Important for UNA Cloud Customers:

  1. This module needs php-intl installed and enabled in the server, the automatic titles in the link need this to work properly, if you see that this feature is not working, please ask your hosting support to install and enable php-intl module in the server.
  2. This module works on UNA 11 and over, in the update of UNA 11 there is a new config that was added to htaccess for apache servers, UNA cloud works on Nginx server and this new rewrite rule is not added automatically, you need to request to your hosting support for adding this new line to your Nginx config file:
  • if (!-e $request_filename ) {
  • rewrite ^/your-path-to-una/(.+)$ /your-path-to-una/r.php?_q=$1 last;
  • break;
  • }
  • This was already explained by Andrew Boon in the IMPORTANT UPDATE NOTES from his post "UNA 11 "Altair" Released"
  • If this rule is not added into the configs, the url "" will display error 404 "Not found", if that's your case, disable the module until your hosting support adds that rewrite rule, once done, enable it again and it will start working.

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