
The App allows your members to upload sound (music) files (MP3, WAV), browse and listen previously uploaded.

Main features:

  • Upload a sound.
  • Use categories (Classical, Hip hop, Country, etc) to organize sounds better.
  • Specify location (if it's needed).
  • Each sound can has its own Cover image. Also you may attach additional images if it's needed.
  • Share a sound's view page in social networks.
  • Use Privacy settings to control an access to the sound's view page.
  • Comment on a sound.
  • Preview popup which allows to listen the sound (music).
  • Browsing capabilities:
    • Latest Sounds block on home page.
    • Latest Sounds page.
    • Popular Sounds page.
    • Advanced Search page.
    • In UNA's Timeline.
    • etc.
  • Manage sounds tool, which allows to easily manage your own sounds in one place.
  • And many others.

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