SpaceNook Starter Kit

The first Starter Kit for UNA - Spacenook ,takes it easy to launch a social network preconfigured with Timeline, People, Groups, Events and Messenger, as well as landing pages, menus and custom icons.

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Comments (19)
    • I've installed it on my local development box, and yes, it does make a difference. Let's say it's a more compact version of UNA (mini custom functionality just to get around it more easily and to avoid the overwhelming look we get with a straight UNA install)

      • Navigation in is very disturbing, with each click the logo reloads again. It looks like a website from 20 years ago, I can't stop smiling, what do you want to brag about? Maybe this application wants to be a time machine... To be honest, I expected more from this release.

        I wouldn't have the courage to make a website in production with something like that, and I don't see the point in installing it. Thank you for the demo. I will probably check the next version.

      • It would be amazing if this was a Theme provided inside of una I would use it

      • Spacenook is a really nice starter kit! I'm trying to understand how to view/edit a profile cover image. I posted to this discussion if anyone has ideas. Thanks!

        • I received this error during spacenook installation

          "mysql LOCK TABLES `bx_cnl_cmts` WRITE; error "

          Changing the DB engine to INNODB solved it.

          Edit the file install/patterns/ Change

          define('BX_DATABASE_ENGINE', 'MYISAM'); ///< db engine


          define('BX_DATABASE_ENGINE', 'INNODB'); ///< db engine

          And proceed with the installation.

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